Example sentences of "[adv] fell [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But the door , he realised , as the light from inside fell on it , was not black as before , but bright pink .
2 Having made two journeys to India and stayed with Indian friends there , I did not find the quote at all out of order , and to me the emphasis naturally fell on the words ‘ now that their lives have been ruined ’ rather than the five preceding words .
3 I felt that the design for this holiday picture should be a natural and less structured design than normal , so I laid out the pressed stems of eucalyptus which naturally fell into a fan shape and used that as the basis of my design .
4 The population of Greater London alone fell by almost three-quarters of a million between 1971 and 1981 , a drop of almost 1 in 10 ( OPCS , 1984 ) .
5 It is striking that federal spending on research and development into energy was halved in the 1980s ; R&D into renewable energy alone fell from $700m in 1981 to $115m in 1989 .
6 In June and July 1989 statistics revealed a fall in industrial production and a rise in unemployment , and product prices and retail sales all fell in June .
7 Later that evening , when she and Anne were in Mrs Lynde 's warm kitchen , Anne suddenly fell on her knees .
8 The Officer had gone a few yards when he suddenly fell to the ground .
9 The rest of the conversation suddenly fell into place .
10 But that was when a shadow suddenly fell across the doorway .
11 In the early hours of Sunday 13 February 1692 , Captain Campbell , from a clan hostile to the Macdonalds , along with 120 of his soldiers , whom the Macdonalds had been entertaining for the previous fortnight , suddenly fell upon their hosts and butchered them , shooting Macdonald himself in the back and killing nearly 70 men , women and children .
12 The worst scenario for Nicky , I imagined , would be if Enya suddenly fell in love with another producer .
13 The proportion of retired skilled workers who did so prematurely fell between these two at 79 per cent .
14 They literally fell against the door .
15 The fieldwork data basically fell into three categories : that which I felt could definitely be published , that which could definitely not be published , and that which I was unsure about .
16 Faced with mortgages charged at 15.4 per cent and higher , borrowers could n't afford to keep up their payments and so fell into arrears .
17 Many of the smaller cloth mills were unable to plough sufficient money into such modernisation schemes , so fell by the wayside .
18 In fact , the average household size remained between four and five throughout this period and only fell to three during the twentieth century ( Laslett , 1972b ; Wall , 1972 ) .
19 A measure os Stoddards ' strength in depth was the fact that if their two non-counting scores were added in , their average only fell to 31.3 points .
20 I rolled and tossed and kept thinking of Mum , and only fell into a doze at dawn .
21 When the art bubble burst , prices not only fell in this area , they stopped .
22 But the traditional management buyouts - with bosses taking a majority holding - only fell by 10% between 1989 and 1991 .
23 You must realise that the King not only fell from a great height but the sea pounded his body to and fro against the rocks . ’
24 At the same time , as Figure 6 shows , its PAS-score only fell from 98 to a still very healthy 80 , and well above the industry average .
25 I still think some of the things on it were OK , but it generally fell between any number of stools . ’
26 Secondly the deliveries of the equipment from the equipment suppliers who had been selected er generally fell behind the promises which they had made , so the main reason for the technical delays has been lack of equipment of the correct standard to proceed with the integration programme erm the erm the problems which beset the programme in nineteen ninety two after the German minister started questioning its future clearly had a direct bearing on that because many of the equipment suppliers , particularly those in Germany , suddenly began to think hey this programme is not going anywhere , why should we invest a lot of effort and and money into it and they slowed down so that has had a knock on effect in in terms of delaying the total programme and erm the result of all of that has been that the current development programme schedule which we have supplied to the committee is probably about as fast as the programme is capable of running .
27 The Heath government fell in 1974 and the Box largely fell at the same time .
28 It had taken Christina a long time to grow accustomed to the nocturnal sounds of the tropics , but she loved them now , and finally fell into a deep sleep , lulled by the incessant chirping of crickets , wind rustling the huge traveller 's palm outside the bedroom window , and the Caribbean sea breaking gently on the shore .
29 She dozed and woke , dozed and woke and finally fell into a light sleep , only stirring when she heard a voice addressing her from what seemed like a million miles away .
30 It finally fell to the British in 1815 .
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