Example sentences of "[adv] found [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Music became the voice of opposition to the war and its senseless waste of life , and effectively found itself a conscience .
2 Music became the voice of opposition to the war and its senseless waste of life , and effectively found itself a conscience .
3 They eventually found themselves in a huge square where a white marble fountain played in the centre .
4 After being stuck in traffic behind trailer upon trailer carrying ‘ The Doors ’ logo , I eventually found myself with director Oliver Stone watching a drunk and disorderly Morrison recording ‘ Touch Me ’ .
5 Less than a year later we got married and I moved down here and eventually found myself a job .
6 When , after five or six miles [ 8–10 km ] , his men reached another defile , between Loch Lochy and a steeply sloping mountain to the east , they found the Highlanders had arrived before them , and after a brisk action , in which he eventually found himself hemmed in on three sides , Scott , himself wounded , and with two men dead , accepted terms of surrender .
7 Their horses were fresher , and gradually closed on Sharpe who , to spare the mare 's strength , tried to avoid the worst hills , but he eventually found himself trapped in a long valley and was forced to put the mare at a steep grass slope which led to a bare skyline .
8 Threading her way as diligently as she could through the mass of humanity , it was with a sigh of relief that she eventually found herself back in the vast City Hall square .
9 The Backs always attracted me , even in a winter fog , and we eventually found ourselves in King 's College Chapel for what I think must have been the very first of the annual carol concerts .
10 In Scotland as a whole and in Edinburgh in particular , working-class women and girls mostly found themselves in work that in some sense extended their domestic role : housework , laundry , sewing , while better-educated middle-class women who worked were caring for the young and the sick as teachers and nurses .
11 So in two years flat , after riding on the crest of a wave , people who had been cock of the walk in ICI suddenly found themselves at the bottom of the league .
12 Garner and Croft were by now both injured , but West Indies suddenly found themselves up against some determination .
13 The people which only a few years previously had committed brutal genocide and waged a terrible war of destruction suddenly found themselves in the role of the great advocate of justice .
14 Eagle-spotting was becoming a national pastime and experts on birds of prey suddenly found themselves being quoted in every paper or interviewed on radio and television .
15 She felt like someone who suffered from vertigo and suddenly found themselves standing on the edge of a deep abyss .
16 And what course of action would the Mozambican journalists who criticize their government 's policies ( Political puzzles ) take if they suddenly found themselves in the hot-seat of a country in chaos ?
17 About 50 paisley-shirted individuals suddenly found themselves up to their knees in wet mud .
18 With four minutes of the first half left , disaster struck for City within the space of two minutes as they suddenly found themselves four one down with two penalties in quick succession .
19 They played ‘ ’ Invitation to the Waltz' ’ on Radio 3 this morning' — she was speaking faster and faster , edging towards the gun — ‘ such a heavenly tune , I played it at school , and suddenly found myself waltzing round the kitchen , then Ethel leapt up and waltzed with me , and I thought perhaps there is a life after Hamish .
20 Sean recalled : ‘ I suddenly found myself on the same side as the shark and got out of the water as fast as I could .
21 At the age of 30 , I suddenly found myself at a turning point in my life .
22 and suddenly found myself , with them ,
23 ‘ Next thing we were playing support on a Mary Black tour and from doing folk club gigs for maybe 100 customers I suddenly found myself doing 20 nights in a row in front of 2,000 people or more . ’
24 Turning for the door , Mungo suddenly found himself in the overwhelming dark .
25 From being just another kid with nits in his head , the smallest in his class and the only one in the whole school whose skin was a swarthy brown , he suddenly found himself the most popular boy around .
26 A host of examples can be cited throughout the period of Stewart rule up to 1542 ; the fate of the mighty earls of Douglas at the hands of James II in the mid fifteenth century , the case , enshrined in ballad , of the over-confident border reiver Johnnie Armstrong , who suddenly found himself the victim of the utter ruthlessness of James V , tell the same story about how royal power was exercised in Scotland .
27 Soon they were driving almost through countryside , there were no street lamps any more ; and Boy suddenly found himself saying , stop the car .
28 Wyllie suddenly found himself without Brewer 's expertise , and Wyllis was incandescent with rage when a medical panel ruled Brewer out of the World Cup campaign .
29 Schmeichel excelled himself as Torpedo 's blond danger man Talalayev suddenly found himself 14 yards from goal but his cannon shot was miraculously pushed away by the goalkeeper .
30 Then , in the middle of the election campaign , he suddenly found himself among the accused .
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