Example sentences of "[adv] doing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With any luck , it should not need much doing to it over the next few years .
2 They will either buy down into smaller accommodation in good repair and consume the profit , or borrow or buy annuities on the security of their properties , as many are apparently doing in the United States .
3 ‘ How are you all doing under there ?
4 No , cos they 're doing it for all , they 're all doing for all over different places anyway .
5 But the horror was only doing to him what it always did .
6 This simple truth is rarely perceived or admitted : almost always the judge pretends to get his solution out of the words of the Act , though he may confess in so doing to be guided by its general policy .
7 The older villagers mainly watched , but by so doing at least attached themselves to and reinforced the validity of the actions of the young .
8 to rebuild and reinstate at its own expense the Premises or the part destroyed or damaged to the reasonable satisfaction and under the supervision of the Surveyor the Tenant being allowed towards the expenses of so doing upon such rebuilding and reinstatement being completed the amount ( if any ) actually received in respect of such destruction or damage under any such insurance policy or
9 She marks the seasons ’ changes by the need to utter particular blessings , prepare ritual foods , explain the reasons for so doing in simple language to an infant audience .
10 It can not even decide its own procedures ( and has been prevented from so doing by the Conseil Constitutionel ) .
11 Perhaps he really did want to cut loose and was restrained from so doing by Maman , who would have regarded it as disloyal .
12 They would be aided and abetted in so doing by the Liberal Democrats .
13 Although SDPJ leader Takako Doi had wanted to field more candidates she had been prevented from so doing by pressure from sitting socialist members of the Diet .
14 There was no doubt that he was the first of an avalanche of Swedish players who might do to the golf circuits of the world what they were already doing to the tennis circuit .
15 As a result , abattoir owners are beginning to speculate that the operating framework of the beef sector could swing overwhelmingly towards exports — as it is already doing with lamb .
16 Well it 's a drop in the bucket in one sense , but it 's on top of what we 're already doing with our Children 's Services , which are very good quality services now in the County .
17 We will have to , by law , respond to them , but you ca n't see the Children Act outside of the context of what we 're already doing with our other Children 's Services , as you know from previous discussions we 've had and from keeping track in the papers , over the last eighteen months we 've been recruiting more foster carers , reducing the number of children 's homes , developing preventative services rather than receiving children into care .
18 When councils start charging half what Oxford is paying ( as they are already doing in most parts of Scotland ) the Community Charge will seem a much fairer system .
19 But a lot of the training does n't actually have a definite something that 's sort of a number because it 's actually getting people to do the work that they 're already doing in a slightly better way or to feel more confident
20 We 're just doing about blacks
21 I was just doing like this you see , I did n't dare swing round .
22 And wh because one of the things that they were deliberately doing as if they were unprepared .
23 I mean , and then then she always doing like that , I do n't know what she does !
24 What on earth , come to that , was the old fool still doing in general practice ?
25 Eighteen months previously President Kennedy had ordered the withdrawal of the American missiles in Turkey but eighteen months later those missiles were still there and when Kennedy was presented with this bargain , bargaining counter by Khrushchev he sort of shouted at his chiefs of staff and secretary of defence and anyone else he could shout at and sort of said what the hell are those missiles still doing in Turkey , I told you eighteen months ago for God 's sake get rid of them !
26 So what you 're effectively doing at the moment is subsidizing the private commercial sector .
27 This is what I was supposedly doing in my earliest remembered erotic dream , when I was about five .
28 ‘ What 's he really doing over there ? ’
29 This concern to avoid a false polarisation was certainly justified ; but it is a real question whether Brunner in fact did justice to Barth in his interpretation of him , or appreciated what Barth was really doing in reconstructing the foundations of theological thinking .
30 The American ambassador sent his CIA station chief to ask Walters what he was really doing in Morocco at this of all time Walters insisted that his visit had nothing to do with the Shah .
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