Example sentences of "[adv] see his " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He 'd tied a black scarf , or a stocking , or something over his face , and I could only see his eyes between that and his hat brim .
2 As a good friend of mine once commented , ‘ If man could only see his aura , he would never go to war . ’
3 I could only see his eyes shining in the light of the fire .
4 That was all , because , when he sat down , people could only see his coat and his shirt , which were not very old .
5 But as we were very small people in these days , he could only see his way to take Selkirkshire and Peebleshire .
6 The man had stopped pacing now ; he was talking , at first quietly , so that she could only see his lips moving through a screen of ferns , then he began arguing , gesticulating , running through the phrases again and again like an actor in rehearsal , pleading with someone who was n't there .
7 He finished the glass of Kir and decided that he had better see his controller in person .
8 He began to shake , not because he was physically afraid of Nicholson , though the man was twice his size , but because he could suddenly see his world falling apart around him .
9 Johnson reports this and other gory tales , tongue-in-cheek so firmly you can scarcely see his jaw bulge .
10 His tummy had grown very large and when he walked he could no longer see his thin , mis-shapen legs .
11 He could just see his Mercedes with Dillon seated in the back .
12 Towards dawn , Miranda no longer knew whether or not she was dreaming , as she felt Adam 's flesh against hers and inhaled the pungent almond smell of love ; by the dying embers of the drawing-room fire , she could just see his face .
13 I can just see his eyes .
14 She could just see his face when she told him her mornings began at six .
15 One such gillie , towards the end of his career , carried out his duties more by instinct than by reason : he had always been shortsighted , but , nearing retirement , he could hardly see his hand in front of his face .
16 The hood was pulled up so that you could hardly see his head .
17 I can still see his grinning face as he tried to chase me .
18 She might have offered something to eat , as most Northern women believe they have a mission in life to feed up any male who can still see his feet .
19 It was the first time she had left little Bradley , the first time she had been out to celebrate his birth — and it was the last time he would ever see his mother again .
20 An exhibtion of his work is on at the Midlands Arts Gallery and you can also see his work at the Malvern Festival at the end of May .
21 A candidate can now see his or her successes accumulate in a single certificate , whatever type of SCOTVEC unit or module has been undertaken .
22 I nearly fell over him and he turned round , but I did n't really see his face in the dark , or if I did , I blocked it out I was so scared .
23 Greg Carey was there near the door , and when he reached out to grab her arm , asking , ‘ What 's going on ? ’ she shook him off impatiently and did n't even see his face close and tighten in anger at her second rejection of the evening .
24 And we did n't even see his lips move .
25 But snug in his arms and very close to him , she could at least see his looks were n't villainous .
26 He is ‘ a gentleman with a rather perplexed expression of face , and with very grey hair disordered on his head , as if he did n't quite see his way to putting anything straight ’ , but kind and honest .
27 She felt close to him , although she could n't quite see his features or his choice of clothes .
28 She could almost see his brain working .
29 But when they get a little older , they will cover their bodies up and the boy shall never again see his sisters ' beauty .
30 AB : I can certainly see his point , but I just wonder whether this is too much of a generalisation .
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