Example sentences of "[adv] the benefit " in BNC.

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1 For example , the existence of ‘ multiple veto points ’ in the American system leads to pressure to distribute widely the benefits of a proposed enterprise strategy , in order to build a winning coalition from potential allies in Congress .
2 Why has this major change in attitudes come about , and why all this concern about health in an affluent Western world where we can congratulate ourselves and count on our good fortune in having all the benefits of modern medicine to protect us unlike the peoples of the developing world ?
3 Many Stoddard Templeton ranges already use heather effect yarns so the benefit to the company could be considerable .
4 I do realize that there are problems in finding suitable sites and that possibly that costs would be involved in setting them up , but for the reasons I 've outlined we should take the bull by the horns and make an effort to find sites and budget for the costs involved so the benefits can be felt as soon as possible .
5 Yes , we 've got to accept that fact , so the benefits we get here , are almost going to match your salary .
6 It has been argued by Johnston ( 1962 ) that in Sweden , however , it was not so much the benefits of having uniform wage levels which were the major attraction of association , rather , it was the negative purpose of employers being able to present a united front to prevent the unions from ‘ whipsawing ’ individual firms ( see Chapter 4 ) .
7 The prospective reduction in global warming — and thus the benefit to Britain 's climate — would be correspondingly small .
8 Conversely the benefits which accrue from a fully fledged economic union are by definition more numerous than those which result from membership of a customs union .
9 He personalised it , he told him exactly the benefit of escalating premiums , and he could n't say anything other than yes , because it was what he wanted .
10 ‘ If you are going through a difficult time , we do need to know why , hence the benefit of having good information and figures to hand . ’
11 According to the NRA , the net present value of the damage that would be caused by flooding , and hence the benefit accruing , has been calculated using a number of variables , and generally lies between £41 million and £69 million .
12 It has been operating for a year now , with the aim of showing researchers both the benefits of massively parallel computers and how to use them .
13 At an effective level , the one at which I made it possible for Jean-Claude to work uninterruptedly , I felt both the benefits of a com-panionable relationship with someone of whom I was , in many ways , admiring , and a sense of my own worth : I was useful to him .
14 When a person purports to act on behalf of another , but without his authority , the latter may subsequently ratify the act of the former , and thereby draw to himself both the benefit of , and the liability for , the act .
15 That approach has also the benefit of introducing several British names of which ministers other than Waldegrave will have heard .
16 The parties enjoyed also the benefit of free but limited television time .
17 Clearly the benefits of mahogany would have eventually become evident but it would probably have taken much longer .
18 Clearly the benefits are compatible with both organic and chemical horticultural regimens and offer a cheaper and easier alternative to conventional framed glass or plastic cloches for growers and gardeners from either school .
19 RTP North has demonstrated clearly the benefits of teamwork by winning our Branch Cup on four consecutive occasions .
20 The removal of clause 54(4) will affect the position of a child of one of the teachers at the child 's school , because now the benefit will be assessed on the cost to the employer , which would be very small indeed in this case . ’
21 The panel concludes that overall the benefits outweighed the risks of the drug at doses of 0.25 and 0.125 mg when provided with appropriate data sheets .
22 Erm , and he can tell you better than me , really the benefits of living assurance .
23 Whatever the activity , most forms of exercise are good for us , but often the benefits are as varied as the activities themselves .
24 Items stated as fact should be accurate , and often the benefit of access is that their accuracy can be checked .
25 The overall effect of coupling the Spanish wagon to the international economic train was to destabilize the former , for its antiquated methods and structures could not readily assimilate and apply efficiently the benefits of the latter .
26 In southern England , there was forthright opposition , for here the benefit of cooperation was negligible and the Labour threat more remote .
27 Here the benefits to the defendants arose out of their agreement of April 9 , 1986 with the plaintiff , the promisee .
28 Given the most rapid detection possible , the most effective means of transmitting the call to the fire services and their most prompt attendance , it is reasonable to suppose that in the absence of an effective automatic fire extinguishing system or even the benefit of a conventional one , that the fire will have reached a well advanced stage on their arrival .
29 Many materials — iron work , gunpowder , candles , timber , coal , and so on , were obtained from further afield and even the benefit of smelting the ore was denied the area .
30 Alternatively the benefit of the policy may pass to the wife , subject to charge .
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