Example sentences of "[adv] had lost " in BNC.

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1 The King 's company apparently had lost the original licensed manuscript but the Master of the Revels was prepared to accept the word of the company manager John Heminge ( one of the First Folio 's editors ) that ‘ there was nothing profane added or reformed ’ .
2 The well bubbled into a tributary of the Moy , but unfortunately it had been hemmed in by modern concrete and so had lost a great deal of its charm .
3 We had ‘ dropped the ball ’ and in doing so had lost valuable time in the search for a reliable synthetic antimalarial' .
4 Both Corps had to be pulled out of the line , exhausted , on March 12th ; by which time the XVIIIth alone had lost 10,309 men and 295 officers .
5 But the world outside had lost its interest , and the quiet place was now the centre of all feeling .
6 His expression for once had lost that unyielding look , and uncertainty flickered for an instant in the glance he bestowed on her .
7 However , 22 per cent of GP referrals and 42 per cent of other referrals were widowed , divorced , or separated , and hence had lost their partner .
8 The boy had lost the father he adored , and soon after had lost his darling mother also .
9 Asshe must have known , when he put in the advertisement , that it would terminate Paul 's employment , make them beggars , for Dinah also had lost her place .
10 As Beth had reminded the boy on more than one occasion , his sister also had lost her parents , and the home she had been raised in .
11 Louise , who had been her comfort , buffer and rescuer so many times in the past ; Louise , who had in so many ways been more of a mother to her than Nora ; Louise , who even now had lost none of her vigour and strength of personality .
12 Agrippa , his fat face covered in sweat , had already despatched one but now had lost his sword and kept turning his horse sharply to counter his final opponent .
13 England then had lost their last seven wickets for 58 in the first innings and eight for 67 in the second .
14 It is true that my mother was not in that state , but she too had lost the will to live ; and she too was denied the balm of curtailment .
15 He said that he too had lost an election ; he had felt very bad when the people of new York rejected him , and he could empathize with what the Shah now felt .
16 She braved herself to meet his eyes , wondering if he too had lost his appetite and for the same reason as her .
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