Example sentences of "[adv] close to " in BNC.

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1 Tie cords together close to the outer screw-eye .
2 Increasing your bargaining power is not an end in itself but usually arises because you can not move sufficiently close to your opponent 's position to gain a settlement .
3 Trent ( Triento in northern Italy ) was within the imperial territory , but sufficiently close to Rome for the papacy to influence events .
4 Perhaps , while consistently maintaining its unique character , Apple has at last moved the Macintosh sufficiently close to the PC that corporates are now prepared to take the ‘ toy ’ very seriously indeed .
5 However , as a consideration of the full list of Orpheus and saltire mosaics in section 3 , and then again in section 4 , would have been repetitive , mosaics which are closely related ( but not sufficiently close to be considered as related at this level of affinity ) will be examined in the preamble to a discussion of two putative , " integral groups " .
6 Sources extremely close to the development of IBM Corp 's network repository claim that its is close to production status and an IBM announcement is imminent .
7 I crossed the field , keeping extremely close to the top wall ready to jump over it if two tons of Fray Bentos came visiting , but there was no sign of either bull or cattle .
8 The invention can be dated with fair assurance , since some of the earliest-looking examples , by a painter who may well be the inventor , show stylisations extremely close to those found on the friezes of the Siphnian Treasury at Delphi , carved little before 525 .
9 By January , virtually all foreign securities had been sold , but India still came extremely close to technical default on interest payments on its foreign debt .
10 This reportedly began only on Jan. 20 , but only close to the Israeli border in the West Bank , and was limited to those aged over 15 .
11 ‘ This is the best I have played so close to Wimbledon , ’ confirmed Edberg , and no one was disputing the fact .
12 NIGEL LAWSON conceded last night that the hike in interest rates was extremely ‘ awkward ’ , ‘ uncomfortable ’ and ‘ embarrassing ’ so close to next week 's Conservative Party conference .
13 In this sense it was Maxse 's radical Conservatism and not his more dangerous notions that brought him so close to the hub of Conservative politics in the decade before 1914 .
14 I mean , can you think of any other situation , Pop , when a man gets so close to a woman except when he 's actually making love to her ? ’
15 It 's real lovely to have Marie there so close to me with her brushing her fingers over my face .
16 This is because the former faces lack either a sunny aspect or a pleasant prospect and the preservation of privacy is an important consideration on elevations so close to the highway .
17 This is the first time the UN has dispatched a force so close to American borders .
18 Khrushchev could never forgive him for the cruelties and stupidities that brought Russia so close to defeat by Hitler .
19 Women leave , afraid to bear children in a city so close to the reactor .
20 So to lower the cost of capital and raise the firm 's value , should you not fill your boots with it , at least until you get so close to bankruptcy that shareholders and creditors start to demand higher returns to balance the risk ?
21 Philip , pressed so close to the tree he could feel the knobbles in the bark , watched him .
22 They skimmed low , passing so close to Simon that their wings beat at his head .
23 We have arrived at chapter 22 , but before we deal with it in detail , we must look quickly at another story that lies between Isaac 's birth and his coming so soon and so close to death .
24 ‘ You 'll kill yourself ! ’ he whispered , his face so close to her , smelling the tawny sheen of her skin .
25 Some regard it as so close to bribery it should be banned .
26 Predictably , though , there was little resemblence between this defeated Liverpool side and the one that came so close to being knocked out of the FA Cup in the semi-final against Portsmouth at Highbury .
27 The luckless eight-year-old hit the fence so close to the ground that at least a somersault was inevitable .
28 Galadriel Hopkins had rarely come so close to begging .
29 The Germans were also exploring the quality of resistance in the North , and looking on Scotland , with its coasts so close to Scandinavia , as a possible ‘ soft option ’ for raids and attacks to the south .
30 Mention Chiswick House today and everyone will think of the neo-Palladian Villa set in wonderful parkland , now all controlled by English Heritage , and famous as one of the finest examples of its kind in Britain , yet so close to the centre of London and with other interesting places close by .
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