Example sentences of "[adv] elect [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Example 4:11 Rent review machinery ; notice , counternotice reference to arbitration ( 1 ) the landlord may serve upon the tenant not earlier than one year before the review date in question a notice ( " a Review Notice " ) calling for a review of the rent ( 2 ) if the landlord serves a Review Notice then the rent payable with effect from the review date to which it relates shall be : ( a ) such sum as may be specified in the Review Notice or ( b ) the higher of the rent payable immediately before that review date and the Market Rent if ( but only if ) the tenant so elects by counternotice in writing served on the landlord not later than two months ( time being of essence ) after the service of a Review Notice ( 3 ) if the tenant serves a counternotice the Market Rent shall be determined in default of agreement within two months after the service of the counternotice by arbitration .
2 Example 4:12 Rent review machinery ; no notice ; determination by expert ( 1 ) if the landlord and the tenant have not agreed the Market rent three months before the relevant review date it shall be determined by an independent surveyor acting as an expert ( 2 ) the independent surveyor shall ( a ) be appointed in default of agreement by the President ( b ) give the landlord and the tenant an opportunity to make representations to him and to reply to each other 's representations ( but shall not be bound by them ) ( c ) have power to determine how the costs of the reference shall be borne ( d ) publish his decision within two months of his appointment ( 3 ) if the independent surveyor dies delays or becomes unwilling or incapable of acting or if for any reason the President thinks fit he may discharge the independent surveyor and appoint another in his place and may repeat this procedure as often as necessary Example 4:13 Landlord 's option to select method of resolving disputes if the landlord and the tenant have not agreed the Market Rent three months before the relevant review date it shall be determined by arbitration or ( if the landlord so elects by notice in writing given not later than one month before the relevant review date time being of the essence ) by an independent surveyor acting as an expert
3 Although he was apparently elected by the people of the Auvergne , he was approached by Alchima and Placidina , the mother and wife of Apollinaris , who asked him to step down in favour of their candidate .
4 Both committees are likely to propose a smaller Upper House of some 300 members , all elected on party regional lists by proportional representation , with a threshold to win any seats of , say , 5% .
5 Their vacant seats would be taken up , with effect from Jan. 1 , 1991 , by Austria , Belgium , Ecuador , India and Zimbabwe , all elected for the standard two-year term by the General Assembly when its 45th session ( opened on Sept. 18 — see pp. 37731-32 ) ended its general debate on Nov. 1 .
6 Noting that " negotiations can not take place behind the backs of our people " , he implicitly reaffirmed the ANC demand for a one person one vote system , declaring : " It is our belief that the future of our country can only be determined by a body which is democratically elected on a non-racial basis . "
7 Will the Solicitor-General assure the House that similar treacherous activities will not take place when the next Labour Government are democratically elected under my right hon. Friend the Member for Islwyn ( Mr. Kinnock ) ?
8 Although only just elected to the Executive Committee as Galway Area Secretary , Tom is no stranger to ‘ 93 ’ as for 6 years , from 1973 top 1979 , he was an Executive Committee member as Cork District Secretary .
9 The Council was generally elected for a six-year term , but the 1990 elections were called after those of 1986 were annulled on a technicality .
10 Such a government was finally elected on 14 August 1949 after an intense election campaign .
11 The candidate thus elected by the Party in the House of Commons will be presented for confirmation as Party leader to a Party meeting constituted as follows : Members of the House of Commons in receipt of the Conservative whip ; Members of the House of Lords in receipt of the Conservative whip ; Adopted Parliamentary candidates ; Members of the Executive Committee of the National Union not already included in the above categories .
12 On April 4 Flosse was formally elected as President of the territorial government .
13 The plenum on April 25 formally elected to the politburo Grigory Yeremey and Dzhumgalbek Amanbayev , respectively the new Moldavian and Kirghiz CP first secretaries [ see p. 38014 ; p. 38159 ] .
14 The head of state is the President , who since 1976 has been nominated by the congress of the ruling National Liberation Party ( FLN ) and formally elected by universal adult suffrage for a five-year term .
15 Parliament voted to change the Constitution in January 1991 to convert the ceremonial office of president into a directly elected post whose holder would enjoy reserve veto powers over financial provision and senior public service appointments [ see p. 37962 ] .
16 These are composed largely of local councillors indirectly appointed by their local authority but not directly elected to these bodies .
17 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what is the policy of Her Majesty 's Government on the number of seats that will be directly elected to the Legislative Council of Hong Kong in 1995 .
18 Frei , replacing Andrés Zaldívar , became the first party leader in the PDC 's 34-year history to be directly elected to the post in a vote involving all party members .
19 Under the Constitution of December 1983 executive power is held by the President , who is directly elected for a five-year term , while legislative power is vested in the unicameral Legislative Assembly ( which replaced the National Constituent Assembly in March 1985 ) with 60 members similarly elected for a three-year term .
20 Executive power is held by the President , also directly elected for a five-year term , assisted by two elected Vice-Presidents and an appointed Cabinet .
21 Under a new Constitution approved by the 96-member National Constituent Assembly on Nov. 19 , 1986 , and signed into effect on Jan. 9 , 1987 [ see p. 35444 ] , legislative power is exercised by a unicameral National Assembly composed of 90 representatives ( each with an alternate representative ) directly elected for a six-year term by a system of proportional representation and , in addition , those unelected presidential and vice-presidential candidates ( as representatives and alternates respectively ) who receive nationally votes at least equivalent to the average of the winning percentages in each regional electoral district .
22 Both the President and the Vice-President are directly elected for a six-year term .
23 Executive power is held by the President ( also directly elected for five years ) , assisted by a Vice-President and an appointed Cabinet .
24 The 1949 Constitution established Costa Rica as a democratic state with an executive President directly elected for a four-year term .
25 Most of the 244 members of the Rajya Sabha are indirectly elected by the state assemblies ( one-third being replaced every two years ) while all but two of the 544-members of the Lok Sabha are directly elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage .
26 Executive powers are vested in the President who is directly elected for a six-year term .
27 There is an executive President and a Congress consisting of a 114-member Senate and a 199-member House of Representatives , the President and Congress being directly elected for a four-year term .
28 Under the 1980 Constitution executive power is vested in the President , who is directly elected for a five-year term .
29 The 1980 Constitution , which was put into effect in March 1981 [ see pp. 30619-20 ; 30931 ] , provided for the re-establishment , effective 1989 , of the bi-cameral National Congress , consisting of a Senate of 38 elected and nine appointed members , all of whom were to serve an eight-year term , and a Chamber of Deputies whose 120 members were to be directly elected for a four-year term .
30 The President and National Congress are directly elected for concurrent five-year terms .
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