Example sentences of "[adv] realise [art] " in BNC.

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1 WHEN Capenhurst employees raised money 16 years ago to send cerebral palsy sufferer Alan Barnes to America for treatment , they little realised the heights to which he would rise .
2 This reflected the view that the uncertainties then facing financial markets were such that it would be better for the chips to be cashed in — thereby realising a useful profit — rather than to bank on better times in the ensuing two to three months .
3 As between the two heavyweights , Reed and Pearson , Reed has been added to at the start of the period ( financed from the sale of Pearson shares ) ; the additional Reed shares were sold off in the autumn of 1991 , thereby realising a tidy profit for the Portfolio .
4 ‘ It 's a question of horses for courses , finding the best route forward and adopting the practices to fit that rather than bulldozing your way through without perhaps realising the wider environment in which this needs to work , ’ says John Catford , director of the Health Promotion Authority for Wales and professor of health promotion at the University of Wales .
5 Maybe he is merely realising the ambitions of a fan .
6 I suddenly realised the air was filled with soot from the chimneys above and the snow was taking on the appearance of cottage cheese sprinkled with black pepper .
7 As the train slowed down , Sam came over to the fireman 's side and looked out and seeing nothing , suddenly realised the legend of the bridge .
8 I could have sat and stared all evening but Benjamin suddenly realised the drift of my eyes as well as my lechery and , at the appropriate time , seized me by the arm and hustled me from the hall .
9 Seb suddenly realised the full import of her words , ‘ You mean … you 're going ahead and marrying Nahum ? ’
10 The DFG has long realised the shortcomings of the normal 1-year grant : it does not give enough resources and security to build up a substantial group or programme in a particular area .
11 Visitors to Max Gate bore witness to Emma 's tiresome behaviour and to the barely disguised tensions in the house , but few perhaps realised the extent of her isolation .
12 Delaney swallowed , suddenly realising the implication , the reason why Nell 's face was white behind her re-donned mask .
13 He only realised the finality of the phrase a second or so later .
14 Many mums and dads only realised the extent of their problems when they were caught out by their kids , added the princess , patron of the Adult Literacy Unit .
15 The reason creditors agree to such arrangements is to give their debtor time to sell assets , usually his stock , without the pressure of a forced sale and so realise a maximum rather than a minimum amount for the benefit of all involved .
16 I realise that there are those who swear by recordings which are distinguished by wrong notes , unstable rhythm , poor engineering , audience noise , and so on but which apparently realise the ‘ meaning behind the notes ’ like no other version .
17 She was , however , quite astute enough to realise the purport of all Oliver Michaels ' carefully thought-out questions .
18 He never dreamt that we would go to witness the execution or , even if we did , would get close enough to realise the man being burnt at the stake was not the same person we 'd questioned at Newgate .
19 So I really wanted to nail the bastard — preferably with the cooperation of my team-mates just to prove the point — but the fucking technology let me down and the gun jammed and he had me pinned , firing shot after shot at me , and finally I gave up trying to un-jam the gun and made to throw it at him though I could hardly see because there was yellow paint all over my visor , but he ducked and tripped and sat down on a trunk , holding his stomach , and the bastard was laughing his socks off because I looked like a giant dripping banana , only I 'd just realised the gun was n't jammed after all , the safety catch was on .
20 Many companies have already realised the benefits of employing people with disabilities and the skills , experience and personal qualities they have to offer .
21 But geometers in the l9th century finally realised the possibility in theory of a space that defies this rule .
22 However , after two hours of negotiation , they finally realised the ‘ suspect ’ was the woman .
23 The Greens put everything into this election , believing that people had finally realised the seriousness and urgency of the issues they campaign on .
24 But the Japanese soon realised the commercial potential of whaling and , adopting steamships and the newly invented harpoon gun , their fleets grew .
25 A 30-yearold ex-stockbroker , she was recruited from Oxford by a merchant bank in the early 1980s , but soon realised the City was not the place it had been .
26 The gulls ( and to a lesser extent hooded crows and starlings ) soon realised the value of this food supply , and quickly descend on any unattended sacks of salmon food left on the pier .
27 Manufacturers soon realised the power of advertising their goods .
28 George and Alex soon realised the joke was on them .
29 ‘ People generally realise the kitchen is a dangerous place .
30 You will soon realise the difficulties and will not need much persuading to make yourself a fixed camera mount .
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