Example sentences of "[adv] difficult [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 As I was n't very clear about it myself , it was naturally difficult to think what to tell her ; but I managed to falter something unconvincing about borrowing something .
2 For these six , it was naturally difficult to distinguish scanning done for general planning purposes from that done for longer-term strategic planning .
3 It was apparently difficult to see if Ruffini 's proof was complete and despite a further attempt by him at the problem , in 1813 , the credit for supplying the first generally accepted proof of impossibility goes to Abel ( pronounced " Arbel " ) in 1824 .
4 The criterion of land under cultivation is crude , and resists refinement : it is exceedingly difficult to say whether in a particular country in a particular decade or generation the rate of growth was steady ; in some places at some times there may well have been local and temporary declines .
5 The dual role of the state both to support business and provide finance on the one hand , and to be the guardian of social welfare and redistributor of resources on the other is exceedingly difficult to manage coherently ( Steiner , 1975 ) .
6 Soilless composts will do very well as they are , keeping them slightly on the dry side , but be very careful , as such composts take a long time to dry out but then do so completely with alarming rapidity , and are exceedingly difficult to wet through to the centre of the root-ball .
7 We can hypothesize that he would not have survived the rigorous processes of peer review in the British system and it is exceedingly difficult to envisage him negotiating the hazards of leading a party from the dispatch box in the House of Commons .
8 In , his reading aloud had proved to be successful except for a couple of occasions when he had had a particularly stressful day and had found it exceedingly difficult to relax .
9 Yet the fragmentation of the Church makes it exceedingly difficult to implement anything like normal management practice .
10 The tumour might well be still there , but it was exceedingly difficult to find .
11 As always with social science experiments , it proved exceedingly difficult to measure the effects of these changes .
12 I have had discussions with those people , collectively and individually , but even were the leaders prepared to make some concessions , the strongly held views of people at both ends of the spectrum are such that it would be exceedingly difficult to introduce a proposal to the House which hon. Members would accept could form the basis for coherent , workable and enforceable legislation .
13 It was also exceedingly difficult to get the Joint Intelligence Committee and its Assessments Staff to update the intelligence assessments .
14 " That seems satisfactory , then — he can go straight to you after he comes out of hospital , " — Willis had been admitted to the Waterloo , where it was exceedingly difficult to get a bed , once more with the help of the nurses on Bluebird .
15 JOHN PRESCOTT did not go to university , was never a television presenter , and finds it exceedingly difficult to complete a grammatically correct sentence .
16 It is always exceedingly difficult to look at oneself within a familiar social setting without falling into conventional cliches .
17 There are plenty to choose from , some of which are very clever , and would be exceedingly difficult to reproduce using traditional techniques .
18 The two young girls , I predicted , would not find such changes so difficult to accommodate , but I did all I could to see that Mrs Clements suffered the least adjustments , to the extent that I undertook for myself a number of duties which you may consider most broad-minded of a butler to do .
19 Why is it that some people find it so difficult to accommodate the idea that providing immediate relief to human suffering can go alongside campaigning for longer term solu-tions ?
20 Once the motivation to stop arises , it is not so difficult to kick the habit .
21 She did n't mean to cry , but tears came so easily these days , and it was so difficult to stop .
22 So difficult to pick up .
23 Having once negotiated the hurdle of the initial course it was not so difficult to persuade those who held the money bags to allow me to fly the aircraft every six months or so to maintain some sort of standard in flying up-to-date jet transports .
24 It may be difficult to persuade a television assembly worker whose plant in the United States has closed and relocated to Mexico that the maquila industry creates jobs in the United States , but it is not so difficult to persuade a worker who makes television components in a US factory that supplies an assembly plant in Mexico , that the maquila industry protects US jobs .
25 graces could be an embarrassment , for he had no polite small-talk and did not pretend to any ; his visits to Windsor were an ordeal for guest and hosts alike , to him because he disliked formality and to his hosts because he was so difficult to entertain and because he did not mince words with the King .
26 That we are able to speak to each other gives rise to the complexity of language-games that we are able to play , yet find it so difficult to describe .
27 Aromatic herbs are the ones most used in cooking ; no two are alike and some are so difficult to describe that even to say they are clove-like gives the wrong idea .
28 It was not so difficult to leave Roundhay .
29 It is still so difficult to talk about rape , or having been raped .
30 ‘ I just find her so difficult to talk to .
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