Example sentences of "[adv] arrive [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Crossing a deceptively smooth glacier surface , the person who breaks into a crevasse suddenly arrives into an utterly vertical world ’ … makes early the good point that any number of trouble-free glacier crossings teach the skier or mountaineer nothing about crevasse rescue ; unless an accident happens , by which time it is too late to start learning .
2 Almost anybody who is offered an honour of some kind indicates that he has had a period of anxious , nay tortured reflection , but somehow inexorably arrives at the conclusion that duty demands — duty to his family , his wife , his children , his bank manager — that he should accept the honour .
3 So a Gettier counter-example is one in which a has a justified but false belief by inference from which he justifiably believes something which happens to be true , and so arrives at a justified true belief which is not knowledge .
4 The ground has only one entrance , so long queues developed , and although the players all arrived on time , one of the staff was stranded at the back of the queue .
5 There are sixty-five resident members , who all arrived on Thursday evening .
6 The fog lifted and the house became filled with a babble of excitable people , few of whom spoke English and who all arrived at once because they 'd been waiting for a clear passage .
7 Bidding was kept lively by a large number of Italian clients who according to one organiser all arrived in open Porsches with Milan number plates and invariably occupied front row seats ‘ flamboyant but not the very rich sort of Italians , you understand ’ , he said .
8 The statements so arrived at ( I will call them observation statements ) then form the basis from which the laws and theories that make up scientific knowledge are to be derived .
9 On his way down to take part in an official inspection , Wycliffe had monitored reports on his car radio and so arrived at the scene of crime before his headquarters had got a team together .
10 Jimmy Marks had become the Commander of No 35 Squadron and so arrived on the day that the Pathfinders were formed with his hind-picked aircrews from No 1 Group .
11 I only arrived at it this morning . ’
12 Mr Brandreth said : ‘ Mr Hanley only arrived at his desk this week , but I have asked to see him as a matter of urgency because I want him to reconsider the whole question of the location of the Army 's pay and personnel centre .
13 First models only arrived from the Kuala Lumpur factory in March 1989 but it has since doubled budgeted sales here ( topping 18,000 by the end of 1990 ) , outsold Hyundai and Seat , and has a higher market share than several more illustrious name .
14 I only arrived from London a minute ago .
15 Cronin , Logan and Scott , who only arrived in Australia two days earlier as the replacement hooker , won promotion to the test team .
16 ‘ But Headmistress , the child only arrived in school this morning and came straight to the classroom … ’
17 On Pecham 's death in December 1292 the Canterbury chapter unanimously elected Robert Winchelsey in February 1293 , probably with the king 's good will , but because the papacy was then vacant the archbishop-elect was not consecrated until September 1294 and only arrived in England in January 1295 .
18 ‘ Tomorrow we will look for a house to rent but as I only arrived in London this morning I have not had the time .
19 A magazine rack overflowed with rolled newspapers : they had obviously arrived by post , but many were unopened , as though Reid had n't had time to catch up with news that must have been at least a month old .
20 The European-style Kunsthalle has suddenly arrived on the scene — in triplicate
21 ‘ My collections , I am happy to say ’ he wrote , despite his own and prince 's fears , ‘ have all arrived in safety and I can now scarcely tell how so large a mass was got together in so short a time . ’
22 In reciprocal discourse , then , interlocutors can always establish , by the turn-taking of talk , the necessary grounds of shared knowledge , and so arrive at a mutually satisfactory schematic convergence .
23 The two groups of villagers engage in a rough and tumble battle , and a peaceful settlement was only arrived at by the intervention of the schoolmasters from both villages .
24 ( b ) to be able to appreciate the interlinking of everything and the force of cumulative evidence , and that what is done and learnt in school can not be divorced from what happens outside ; ( c ) to appreciate that religion challenges head-on any view that regards knowledge as something only arrived at by reasoning and scientific experimentation ; ( d ) to be concerned about conviction for or against religion , but to be open to evidence and to experience — not to have the answers all neatly sewn up , but to see life as a journey of exploration with exciting prospects and a sense of fulfilment in actually moving forward and , if necessary , changing in order to accommodate fresh insight .
25 The most obvious reason is that the author only arrived on the scene at the end of the process , and has had to reconstruct the design and development phases from inevitably superficial interviews .
26 Whereas Guy had only arrived in the Middle East in 1180 and at the time of his defeat had been King of Jerusalem for less than a year , Saladin had ruled Egypt since 1169 and Syria since 1176 .
27 Death does n't suddenly arrive below a particular threshold lung area !
28 Even if we were to include the value attributed to armaments in PP4 we would only arrive at a total of 21,019 .
29 However , the parties involved were prepared to have their heads hit together to arrive at a solution .
30 If you are not disciplined enough to arrive at the agency as though dressed for work you may not be taken on to the books .
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