Example sentences of "[adv] with difficulty " in BNC.

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1 The daughter of Olivia Shakespear , who had been briefly Yeats 's mistress and had bought Wyndham Lewis 's canvases and Gaudier 's drawings , Dorothy told Hugh Kenner in 1965 , ‘ I read poetry only with difficulty .
2 Cocooned in the nylon sack , from which he could escape only with difficulty , he is suddenly on his side heading downhill at speed .
3 Only with difficulty does this Pan-American champion yuppie regain his imagination and conquer his fear of flying .
4 It was found that when the test environment was the same as that used for pre-exposure , the rats learned only with difficulty to approach the source of the familiar odour — that is , latent inhibition occurred .
5 The mediation theory is founded on the notion of acquired equivalence and only with difficulty can predict an acquired distinctiveness effect .
6 He still had moments of extreme pain and walked only with difficulty .
7 Infrared sources can be studied only with difficulty from the ground , balloons or aircraft , because of absorption by the atmosphere .
8 In striking contrast the Westerner passes only a quarter of that weight in much firmer , harder stool daily … and often not daily … and often only with difficulty .
9 I 've spoken to Gordon at length about this several times and he has been coping with it — but only with difficulty . ’
10 A bookseller named James Gibb extended his Bible to more than sixty folio volumes , each so heavy that it could be lifted only with difficulty .
11 Russia , for her part , was possessed of almost limitless manpower , but this was in large measure negated by her chronically inefficient rail system , so large numbers of men could be transported across country only with difficulty and by laborious stages .
12 It noted that ‘ these duties so very necessary for the life of the Church can in many areas be fulfilled only with difficulty according to the prevailing discipline of the Latin Church ’ .
13 We can conclude from Kleiman 's experiments that when our attention is divided we can recognise the meanings of individual words adequately , but that they can be combined only with difficulty .
14 The king extracted grants of subsidies only with difficulty and was forced to concede more than he would have wished to both clergy and laity in return .
15 Some were loose , some went on only with difficulty .
16 At its poorest , on rocky soils in harsh , unsheltered environments , it is a thin layer of vegetation , including flowering plants , that seems to survive only with difficulty .
17 It must be observed that only with difficulty and in a highly tentative manner can one find common ground between the theories discussed here ; in this conversation the participants are talking past one another .
18 It has been found that birds are most easily sexually imprinted on their own species , fairly easily on closely related species , and only with difficulty on very different species .
19 It was not too difficult in the 1960s and 1970s to discern such contradictions in the East European countries , in the form of conflicts among various social groups , and in particular a conflict — which appeared openly from time to time in strikes , protests or even insurrections , and was only with difficulty contained and repressed — between those who control and direct the overall development of society and those whose lives and work are thus planned and regulated from above .
20 In fact it had been only with difficulty that the seller had managed to get rent from Mr. Fleck who was still in arrears .
21 Only with difficulty was she able to hold back the tears , forcing herself to smile .
22 Khieu Samphan was injured and he and Son Sen , the two Khmer Rouge SNC delegates , were rescued only with difficulty by police and security forces after Hun Sen himself had gone to the scene to appeal for calm .
23 It was at this time that a majority of the British cabinet was only with difficulty dissuaded from opposing an American UN resolution to brand China an aggressor and to introduce sanctions .
24 Those who can walk , but only with difficulty , will not be able to walk the full length of High Row . ’
25 He looked at her for a long , silent moment , and Merrill dragged her gaze away with difficulty , maddened by her erratic heartbeat .
26 Hoc struggled upright with difficulty .
27 He was in a plaster jacket from shoulders to hips , and could only walk slowly with difficulty , but he was home and cheerful !
28 Matthew remained silent , going stealthily after the crooked figure as it squeezed through the tiny opening , then upwards with difficulty , climbing the narrow winding staircase that seemed never-ending .
29 The snakes have gone now and Laverne stands up again with difficulty .
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