Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] top " in BNC.

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1 Fergus was very tall , with brassy hair cut long on top and short at the back , in the 1980s version of the 1930s , over a dazzling white heavy sweater and loose black trousers like a Japanese martial artist .
2 Wes followed me and watched as I opened the boot and laid Duke gently on top of my black working coat .
3 Her hand rested gently on top of his .
4 If you 've got clothes , your coats and dresses , and fold them over once , and then put them into a bag like that and we put them gently on top of the load , they come to no harm at all .
5 We obviously on top of that want to make sure who lives in the camps and see if they match our descriptions .
6 If it were mine and I wanted to make serious use of the bass , I 'd probably take the E and A drones off , as one could argue that they do n't do enough on top of the heavier bass strings , which might be better used for playing ‘ proper ’ bass lines .
7 So on top of the five shows and rehearsals every day at the Rex , they did another four at the Olympia and did not even receive double salaries but only one and a half .
8 So on top of the appalling poverty of Chinese rural life there is a very unequal distribution of land which means that some people are desperately poor compared with others .
9 His manner : so calm , so kind , so on top of things .
10 That , after all , is part of what we mean by ‘ professor ’ : x is so on top of his or her subject that he or she has something to profess , to convey , to teach .
11 Only on top of a horse can Piggott truly feel on top of the world .
12 Iced only on top , so looks a bit bare without its gold band .
13 For the rest , tin hats abound everywhere , not only on top of the curls of a very glamorous AFS girl but also rather oddly around the back of a classical Venus de Mile torso .
14 Like lampreys , cephalaspids show a single nostril joined with a single hypophysial opening which opens together on top of the head as a keyhole-shaped opening .
15 Place the towers close together on top of the base cake .
16 Especially at top
17 She fingered the boxes with a furtive secrecy , like a child rooting among the holly-wrapped parcels hidden away on top of her parents ' wardrobe .
18 Leaking wisps of smoke wormed their way out from the sides of the stoves ' doors , adding a pungent aroma of something like burning coal to the medley of smells produced by the man-high vats bubbling away on top of the bulging , flattened-looking stoves .
19 There was often a feeling , however , that the CORA legal advisers were scarcely on top of the material under discussion and had little energy for the battle .
20 However , on top of its advantages in terms of programming and portability , the ME-6 costs under £250 , so I think it would come out easily on top .
21 Much impressed with my narrow escape , Dad carried the object downstairs on top of the sand in the fire bucket — it did come in handy after all — and we sat around gazing at it , drinking the inevitable tea and storing up this tale to pass on to all our friends and relations .
22 It 's a terrible blow just on top of everything else .
23 It was for these reasons that Beveridge ( 1948 ) saw the role of voluntary activity fitting best on top of a sound comprehensive foundation of public social services .
24 Lay the fabric exactly on top with the right side uppermost .
25 The enemy sowars were already on top of the ramparts .
26 One man , wearing a red cap and with a knife in his mouth , was already on top of the fence .
27 Betty Gilling was at the cottage door , her white hair knotted prettily on top of her head and her arms folded over the mound of her stomach where her eighth child was curled , almost ready to be born .
28 It is also important to measure and cut fabric accurately to ensure that the pleats not only lie squarely on top of each other when the blind is pulled up but also to ensure that the blind hangs squarely when down .
29 Nest usually on top of low tree .
30 In front of the Brandenburg Gate and elsewhere , they perched precariously on top of the Wall , clapping and calling for it to go .
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