Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] itself " in BNC.

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1 A name for the monk had instinctively formed itself in her mind .
2 In September 1991 it had effectively dissolved itself when new union structures were created after the failed coup [ see p. 38415 ] .
3 A second , related problem is that business ethics has mostly concerned itself with grand theorising , trying to answer questions such as ‘ Is capitalism ethically justifiable ? ’ and ‘ Can a profitable business ever be ethical ? ’ .
4 The company , which has pretty much limited itself to the German market so far , is also looking to peddle its suite of software products across the border , in France , and is currently courting French distributors .
5 His visual impressions have been fading without his knowing it , and with their reactivation stale information has suddenly sorted itself out into a new and firm pattern .
6 The CNAA , in its desire to ensure that the courses which it validates are of a sufficiently high standard , has necessarily concerned itself with the resources and ethos of institutions as a whole and has not hesitated to pass judgment on them , going , some would argue , beyond the responsibilities laid upon it by its Royal Charter .
7 Finally , the Polish General Staff has not only seen itself as an avid ‘ consumer ’ of Soviet military doctrine , but a contributor as well , which has authored its own innovations with Soviet endorsement .
8 Isabel Marshall had been added at the age of fourteen , when her gawky , bony clumsiness had suddenly transformed itself into dazzling beauty , and Clara , her especial friend , was added a year later when her breasts grew .
9 It had suddenly found itself desperately short of a special washer — waxed and made of felt — that is a vital bit in the detonation process inside the RAF 's latest 1,000lb bombs .
10 In May 1937 street fighting had broken out in Barcelona and was used as an excuse for outlawing the " Trotskyist " POUM , not in fact Trotskyist but a breakaway from the Spanish Communist Party in close touch with the British ILP.6 By 1938 the Communist Party had so entrenched itself through the use of Soviet aid and advisers that it was able to force the resignation of Prime Minister Prieto and to improve its position in the Cabinet .
11 He said that the Government had only pledged itself to employ the successful barracks architects , but not the Government Offices architects .
12 Rugby has long prided itself on its image as a players ' game and any ‘ play to entertain ’ push could only accelerate the drift towards professionalism .
13 The vague beige word that has naturally attached itself to Mr Major is ‘ nice ’ .
14 She had none of the fears of the normal servant that her honesty might ever be in doubt and her absolute conviction of her own integrity had finally communicated itself to the old man and been conceded by him .
15 Inject her with a rare South American pois — The word ‘ poison ’ had scarcely formed itself in his mind before Henry knew , with the sweet certainty that accompanies most forms of conquest , that he had found his métier .
16 It seems to have finally resolved itself into an increased interest in practical deterrence and street-level prevention programmes .
17 We want to know — The right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East ( Mr. Smith ) can leap up and tell me — the House would be delighted to hear from him — how he will cover the difference between the £10 billion of extra taxation to which his party has already committed itself and the £35 billion of extra spending to which it has also committed itself ?
18 Nevertheless , under pressure from the separatist Parti Québecois ( PQ ) , the Liberal provincial government of Robert Bourassa had already committed itself to a referendum on secession by Oct. 26 unless an agreement had been reached on a new constitutional structure .
19 In accepting Murav'ev 's proposals the regime made plain that , although it had just committed itself firmly to the emancipation of the serfs ( in the Nazimov Rescript ) , it was not yet prepared to adopt the principle of decentralization or to move towards provincial self-government .
20 Although watches were extremely rare before the late seventeenth century , the influence of mechanical timekeeping had already made itself felt in a variety of ways , besides those already mentioned .
21 It also enables management to anticipate both beneficial and adverse trends before the event or take evasive action when the evidence of an emerging problem has only just presented itself .
22 When the door had opened to admit her , the waiting tension still gnawing at him had finally transformed itself into swift action , and he 'd been too busy quitting the bed and judging the right moment to attack to identify the intruder .
23 Probably , she concluded , it had just washed itself along on a tide of alcohol and that uneasy mixture of salaciousness and sanctimoniousness which characterises these melancholy occasions .
24 Fergus sprawled in the cafeteria banquette and said the challenge was to deconstruct something that had apparently already deconstructed itself , since the book was about a painting that turned out to be nothing but a chaotic mass of brush-strokes .
25 The sociological movement in jurisprudence , the movement for pragmatism as a philosophy of law , the movement for the adjustment of principles and doctrines to the human conditions they are to govern rather than to assumed first principles , the movement for putting the human factor in the central place and relegating logic to its true position as an instrument , has scarcely shown itself as yet in America .
26 It also has certain opportunities , for example the University has already shown itself to be a leading research centre .
27 The patriot had already locked itself on to an Iraqi scud aimed at a Saudi airbase .
28 At the same time , there was something eternal in religion , destined to survive all the particular symbols in which religious thought had successively enveloped itself .
29 Night brightened sharply , as if the moon had just disentangled itself from cloud .
30 The large increase in coastal shipping after 1760 was built on a transport facility which had already proved itself over a long period among the most valuable of the country 's natural assets .
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