Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] to say " in BNC.

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1 In previous years I have n't had a class on the and I thought I had one this year as an experiment and er , pardon me just a second hello yes , that was a little annoying to say the least , cos those students have come in specially for that , yeah , yeah yeah yeah yeah right Oh dear right certainly not well , would it be easier to show them in my office , that 's seven , seven , seven ?
2 It does seem rather odd to say that death is for the good of the person involved .
3 It is perhaps putting it a little high to say they are exercising judicial functions .
4 However , it is not entirely facetious to say that there is a correlation between a driver 's haircut and his performance .
5 It is perhaps possible to say that a particular child tends towards introversion and , further , that he or she is therefore more likely to engage with characters such as Tom in Philippa Pearce 's Tom 's midnight garden , Max in Pauline Clarke 's The twelve and the genii , or Tolly in Lucy Boston 's Green Knowe stories , than a more extrovert reader .
6 They want to hang on to their fat subsidies and America is entirely right to say that this is unacceptable .
7 That kind of situation , Dr is entirely right to say to the general assembly , that kind of situation is utterly unforgivable , it 's utterly unforgivable .
8 This subject has been debated many times over many years and , after much deliberation , it was felt less confusing to say ‘ Basket Only ’ rather than stipulate a specific number of items [ at least for the majority of our stores ] as this tended to cause confrontations between some cashiers and customers as to the quantity of items in the basket .
9 Well , it 's only polite to say whether if you
10 If Mr Hussein has decided to do so — by ordering a full or partial withdrawal from Kuwait before January 15th — he will find it less humiliating to say so to the European Community , or to Arab mediators , than to Mr Baker .
11 She stopped abruptly , suddenly afraid to say the words aloud in case they were words he would n't want to hear .
12 As late as 1865 , the botanist J. D. Hooker wrote a revealing letter to Darwin in which he complained of the stance taken by their contemporary , Alfred Russel Wallace , who had wondered that scientists should be so afraid to say what they think .
13 It was perhaps untrue to say that he had learned it ; it had learned him .
14 And that 's precisely what is so impossible to say aloud , for their entire life together ( already over twenty years of life together ) , has been based on the illusion of love , an illusion which both of them have been anxiously guarding and nurturing .
15 Perhaps ‘ Thank you ’ and ‘ Sorry ’ , so easy to say to a stranger , are two of the most difficult words to say to our nearest and dearest .
16 I missed you is so easy to say .
17 It would be so easy to say yes to everything he was asking of her ; she would n't have his love but she would have his arms round her all through the nights that , from now on , promised to be lonely .
18 ‘ It was so easy to say I wanted to go to Australia , without really knowing what he meant . ’
19 In our depth interviews , for example ( Appendix II , section 5 ) , there was the man in trouble with the court already who could therefore not get HP — and who bought the settee he wanted with a trading check instead ( even costlier to repay ) , though he doubted his ability to pay it off and was still making payments through the court ; and the woman with so many debts to pay off , afraid of the ‘ loan man 's ’ visit because she finds it so hard to say no to his offers .
20 It 's so hard to say when all along the line I 've been encouraged .
21 The difference between having a good time and a bad time is so minimal it 's unbelievable , but this , with three points for a win , situation it makes it so hard to say well we 're a bottom side , we 're a top side , all of a sudden in half a dozen games we could be like a top side .
22 We can examine whether the Social Attitudes Survey in 1984 finds the same pattern ; we might expect , on the basis of this reasoning , that the more educated people would be less likely to say that they would break an unjust law .
23 They were much less likely to say there were laws or regulations protecting people who take out credit agreements , and much more likely not to know whether any action could be taken over some credit agreement which they had signed but later felt was unfair .
24 Taking into account the fact that they made fewer comments about individual types of credit than men , women 's comments were more likely to be that they did not know how a type of credit worked than men 's ; and less likely to say that it was easy to understand and use .
25 So they 're , I do n't know whether it 's , i it 's terribly reactionary to say that we really want one teletext cos your holidays , might they be coming up on Ceefax
26 It is perhaps trite to say that the educational policy is only as good as its actual implementation in the classroom , but it is a point overlooked in the search for a panacea in deaf education .
27 Because of his fame , his history and his continued presence in the sport , as well as the strength of his personality , Emerson remained a figure ; but also the shadows lengthened about him and few who worked with him in those years have much good to say about their relationships with him or with his team .
28 I worked with a man whose severe stroke left him only able to say ‘ Yes , yes , yes ’ .
29 We created something here , something live and good and untrammelled by the rigor mortis of this dying , stinking society clinging with its preying claws so hard to its privileges because it knows it 's dying , only it wants to kill everything else too , only able to say thou Shalt Not because it 's envious , because it 's cold and impotent — they only have to sniff a little bit of genius , of freedom , of life , and they 're on to it with the , lackey hounds tearing it up , and for why ?
30 The inquest jury was only able to say John Newton died accidentally by falling through a carriage door .
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