Example sentences of "[adv] [art] following " in BNC.

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1 Additionally the following measures were agreed : ( i ) that a joint working party would be set up , charged with defining " political offences in the South African situation " and with advising on " mechanisms for dealing with the release of political prisoners and the granting of immunity " ; ( ii ) that " temporary immunity from prosecution for political offences " would be considered as a matter of urgency for the ANC 's NEC members and others , to enable them to return to the country without fear of prosecution ; ( iii ) that the government would " review existing security legislation to bring it into line with the new dynamic situation developing in South Africa in order to ensure normal and free political activities " ; ( iv ) that the government would work towards the lifting of the state of emergency ; ( v ) that efficient channels of communication between the government and the ANC would be set up in order to curb violence and intimidation from whatever quarter .
2 A girl from another broken family ‘ used to sleep in the same bed as grandma — I was sleeping with her the night she was found dead the following morning . ’
3 Perhaps the following year .
4 But perhaps the following data will encourage some of this minority to stop :
5 Amongst the most salient are perhaps the following :
6 Sadly the very dry weather we have had over the last two summers has meant that even young bulbs have not been able to bulk up their energy supplies and so the following year they have been unable to produce flowers .
7 So the following afternoon , as soon as Mrs Wormwood had departed in her car for another session of bingo , Matilda set out for Fred 's house to investigate .
8 Lindsey and Pete had started talking about having a baby when she was fourteen , and did so the following year : Pete and me had been together for eleven months and loved each other more than words could say .
9 Physical and experimental considerations implied that and so the following values for were established : The results so obtained were in good agreement with predictions from fibre reinforcement theory ( Equations ( 4.21 ) or ( 4.22 ) ) provided that a value of 0.37 for Poisson 's ratio for the butadiene phase was used rather than the more usual figure , for a rubber , of 0.5 .
10 Obviously some areas have more classes and teachers than others so the following is suggested : —
11 Obviously some areas have more classes and teachers than others so the following is suggested : —
12 The formal sitting began at one o'clock the following day .
13 We left Clove Lodge at six o'clock in the morning and arrived back at four o'clock the following morning .
14 At 3 o'clock the following morning Lawford was awakened by a phone call .
15 It was eight o'clock the following morning when Ben came back from the town .
16 There was a long night ahead of him , and he would not be relieved until eight o'clock the following morning when Ben Thompson arrived .
17 Both she and Graham agreed there was little else they could do that night and when he telephoned through to report to UNACO headquarters he was told a company Cessna would be waiting at six o'clock the following morning to fly them on to Geneva , the nearest airport to Lausanne .
18 At eleven o'clock the following morning , Buzz sat down on the blue chair by Elinor 's bedroom window , pulled the kitchen timer from the pocket of her navy cotton dress , and set it to twenty minutes : the mechanism began to tick in an irritating way .
19 It was three o'clock the following morning when Tilly Mulliver was woken from a shallow sleep .
20 I think erm casualty was the worst in that you had very very long hours to do erm sometimes you were on call from five o'clock in the evening until nine o'clock the following morning , and you did that for a whole week so by the end of the time you really did feel inhuman , you were very very tired .
21 The afternoon when they discover that they have to have a complete outline plan of the Dolomites ready for the Ministry by nine o'clock the following morning , and all stay working into the small hours , until their backs are aching and their eyes closing , and they all love each other and are united in extremity against the entire world .
22 Dr Mortimer and Sir Henry Baskerville arrived at exactly ten o'clock the following morning .
23 She did so , and was able to get an appointment for two o'clock the following afternoon .
24 As arranged with the Commander , Milton and Pooley arrived at ffeatherstonehaugh 's at ten o'clock the following morning .
25 1.4 ‘ Net Invoice Price ’ means the price charged by for the Licensed Products to customers and distributors , less the following deductions where they are factually applicable :
26 Radio transmission had advanced and the first trans-Atlantic broadcast took place in 1925 , but only the following year , John Logie Baird was able to demonstrate television .
27 Officially , however , only the following implementation costs have been conceded : £79m in 1989–90 , £306m in 1990–1 , and an estimated £383m , in 1991–2 .
28 Rate of charge on capital distribution Where the property was held on discretionary trust before 26th March , capital distributions of the settled property to individuals who became beneficially entitled to it will be charged only the following fractions of the tax that would otherwise be charged on capital distributions of the settled property : These reliefs will also apply where an interest in possession comes into existence in property previously held on discretionary trust .
29 I managed to dissuade her from that and we settled on lunch together the following day .
30 Add together the following operating costs :
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