Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] achieve " in BNC.

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1 Nor is complete lexical coverage a goal that one would necessarily want to achieve since such a complete lexicon can cause problems for a recognition system .
2 in other applications of the principle architects experimented with combinations of loop roads and culs-de-sac , footpath or courtyard access and end-on blocks , all designed to achieve traffic segregation and all claiming to be ‘ Radburn ’ in style .
3 In the meantime , many hope that the world travel industry , conservationists and national governments will together strive to achieve this balance .
4 But Chevenement has created a body which is better equipped to achieve the objectives laid down in the law .
5 But live , for the first time viewer , they can only hope to achieve a possible connection via the actual presentation and general ‘ sound ’ .
6 If we tried to describe a theory of legislation sufficiently uncontroversial to command close to universal assent among our lawyers and judges , we would be limited to something like this : if the words of a statute admit of only one meaning , no matter in what context they are uttered , and if we have no reason to doubt that this is the meaning understood by all the legislators who voted for or against the statute or abstained , and the statute so understood achieves no results not intended by all those who voted for it and would be so understood by all the members of the public to whom it is addressed , and could not be thought by any sensible person To violate any of the substantive or procedural constraints of the Constitution , or otherwise offend any widely held view about fairness or efficiency in legislation , then the propositions contained in that statute , understood in that way , are part of the community 's law .
7 Aircraft enthusiasts are constantly striving to achieve better photographic results , be it in the form of updating their camera equipment or their knowledge .
8 On the other hand a child who was brought up to be bilingual in French and English or who had a natural facility for ‘ picking up ’ languages could romp through his spoken French grades and have reached the top by the time he was 16 , while perhaps having achieved lower grades both in written French and in other more literary aspects of the subject .
9 The right hon. Gentleman may personally have achieved a rather soft landing , but sadly that was not true for the economy of which he was in charge .
10 KEF have long wanted to achieve the ideal of generating the entire musical spectrum from a single point in space ( two points for stereo of course ) , but unlike Tannoy who have gradually approached this goal over many years through continual refinements to their famous ‘ Dualconcentric ’ technique ( in which a more or less conventional tweeter is mounted behind the magnet assembly of the midrange driver , its output funnelled through a special wave-guide to join the midrange output at the neck of its cone ) KEF held back until modern magnetic materials became available ( specifically neodymium-iron-boron , which has around ten times the energy product of conventional ferrite ) which would permit a small magnet assembly to be located actually at the neck of a midrange cone — hence their nomenclature of coincident , as opposed to concentric .
11 devise detailed bargaining aims that together help achieve your overall objectives
12 I spent a week on the rack , far away from home , constantly trying to achieve this extra margin which , I hardly need to point out , would have gone straight down to the bottom line and would have been shown as profit .
13 Some appear to fade at 35 , some at 45 , some at 55 , while others are still highly motivated to achieve at 70 .
14 Stealth and persuasion were obviously required to achieve this change by democratic means .
15 Some groups able to overcome free-riding by arranging selective incentives for their members will be powerfully organized to achieve their goals .
16 A military commander should order his troops in the way best calculated to achieve victory at a minimal cost .
17 Government should not normally intervene in the market 's decisions about the use to which assets should be put , since private decision-makers will usually seek ( and are usually the best placed to achieve ) the most profitable employment for their assets , and in competitive markets this will generally lead to the most efficient use of those assets , for the benefit of both their owners and the economy as a whole .
18 Likewise we will not be successful if the client is sent away expected to achieve the most difficult target first .
19 Notice that it is customary to indicate the parameters best varied to achieve balance by drawing an arrow through them where they appear in the double balance equations , as done here .
20 It 's about individual people realising they can do something beyond what they may normally expect to achieve . ’
21 He had thus had achieved the greatest practicable measure of independence without squandering resources on strategic missile development .
22 We 've been selling our wholesaler shoulder rates when we could easily have achieved high-season .
23 The pelagic animals generally try to achieve ‘ neutral buoyancy ’ , to enable them to stay at the required depth without effort ; and many have devices to alter buoyancy .
24 In retrospect , the ECSC did not seem superficially to have achieved much in the political direction .
25 Libraries of this kind normally aim to achieve a certain standard of appearance in their bookstock , though the standard itself is inevitably governed by the size of the bookfund .
26 The Wildlife and Countryside Act has fuelled controversy over the kinds and quantities of species and habitats to be protected and conserved , and the best means to achieve this .
27 They were waiting for them inside the restaurant , which turned out to be a smallish place that somehow managed to achieve an atmosphere of casualness and intimacy at the same time .
28 There can hardly ever have been a piece of legislation that has so utterly failed to achieve its stated objectives .
29 I was given soup from the middle pot , meaning I had just managed to achieve my work quota .
30 During the course of February Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu finally managed to achieve the necessary legislative support for his plan to provide an additional US$9,000 million towards the cost of the allied war effort against Iraq .
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