Example sentences of "[pers pn] writes of " in BNC.

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1 In Gwendolen she writes of the way a black woman like Sonia , Gwendolen 's mother , is treated , either with polite indifference or as if she is not there .
2 She writes of the hero :
3 Christian attorney Constance Cumbey goes a step further in The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow when she writes of the ‘ coming age of barbarism ’ , and describes the New Agers as a ‘ viable movement that truly meets the scriptural requirements for the Antichrist and the political movement that will bring him on the world scene ’ .
4 But I could n't agree more with Philippa Davenport when she writes of the formality that seems to have overtaken marriage celebrations , particularly in England ( page 47 ) .
5 It would be a mistake to dismiss this , as Selma G. Lanes ( 1981 , p.47 ) appears to do when she writes of ‘ mere graphic decoration ’ .
6 She writes of the ‘ dark cities of the burdock ’ , and the way ‘ the scrubbed withdrawing room of the sea was strewn with swags of weed ’ .
7 She writes of the ‘ dark cities of the burdock ’ , and the way ‘ the scrubbed withdrawing room of the sea was strewn with swags of weed ’ .
8 Instead , she writes of those ordinary people who make the miracle , and often suffer in the process : the sarariman painfully climbing the corporate ladder ; the schoolchildren taught to prefer homework to sleep ; the housewives left alone with their drudgery .
9 This is particularly marked in The Mysteries of Udolpho , for when Mrs Radcliffe describes the cottage in which her heroine has taken shelter , she writes of this ‘ bower of sweets ’ as though the reader stood outside it , although Emily , whose view he shares , is indoors , at her bedroom window : ‘ The cottage , which was shaded by the woods from the intenser rays of the sun , and was open only to his evening light , was covered entirely with vines , fig-trees , and jessamine whose flowers surpassed in size and fragrance any that Emily had seen . ’
10 Mary Warnock provides a scathing analysis of the government 's attitude to higher education when she writes of the contempt that the government has for universities and their staff :
11 Books make the ideal Christmas present , and among those currently in stock are Muriel Spark 's autobiography Curriculum Vitae , in which she writes of her childhood in Edinburgh and the people and places which have influenced her work — including the original Miss Brodie ; and Alisdair Gray 's new novel Poor Things , a Frankenstein-inspired tale which has been described as his best work yet .
12 But hers is not a detached examination — she writes of her belief that ‘ action makes a difference ’ and outlines some of the possible practical steps that can be taken as a result of her ( and others ' ) analysis .
13 He writes of them as they stay for waftage :
14 Accordingly , the most instructive gloss on ‘ externality ’ is to be found where we might expect it , in Pound 's 1916 memoir of the sculptor , Gaudier-Brzeska , where he writes of Gaudier and Lewis and other ‘ vorticists ’ , painters , and sculptors :
15 That was in fact the private view of Harold Nicolson , although he did not allow it to be expressed in his official biography of George V. In an unpublished section of his diaries , he writes of his interview with Queen Mary on 21 March 1949 , ‘ I talked to her about the 1931 crisis and said that I was convinced the King had been a determinant influence on that occasion , ‘ Yes certainly ; he certainly was , '
16 The author warms to his subject when he writes of the Peninsular War .
17 He writes of ‘ the little town Portadown , with its comfortable unpretending houses , its squares and market-place , its pretty quay , with craft along the river , a steamer building in the dock close to mills and warehouses — a pleasant conclusion to this ten miles ' drive ( from Armagh ) . ’
18 In verses 5 and 6 Peter makes direct reference to the flood of judgment which came upon the earth in the days of Noah and at the end of the preceding verse 4 he writes of how the scoffers will say that ‘ all things continue as they were from the beginning of the CREATION . ’
19 When he writes of prayer , he compares it with ‘ a lark rising from his bed of grass and soaring upwards , singing as he rises , and hopes to get to heaven and climb above the clouds ’ , and so the lark continues through clause after clause , buffeted by storms from which it takes refuge , until finally ‘ it did rise and sing , as if it had learned music and motion from an angel as he passed sometimes through the air about his ministries here below ’ .
20 Under the Net ( 1954 ) , her first published fiction , is technically speaking a memoir-novel like Crusoe or Moll Flanders , being composed as autobiography in the first person ; and The Sea , the Sea ( 1978 ) , like Crusoe , is in part a diary where the narrator — male , as usual — is himself so unaware as he writes of the astonishing end there will be to kidnapping his lost love that the reader is as surprised as he when it finally unfolds : an audacious exploitation of the fictional memoir never attempted by Defoe himself .
21 It is Leavis rather than Lewis who , when he writes of literature , sounds washed in the blood of the Lamb .
22 Elsewhere he writes of the need to oppose those who see politics as a science , which would let Reason transcend the political .
23 He can honestly claim to have been a righteous servant of God ; in verse 16 he writes of his service being like that of a priest , who bridges the gap between God and man , and who presents a sacrifice to God as part of the priest 's duties and privileges .
24 Educated at Luddesdown before taking his degree at Oxford in 1738 , he was well acquainted with this area for he writes of the old Chapel at Upper Hailing .
25 Now to the house itself , one of the early observers gives us a clue when mentioning the house he writes of the fine Elizabethan chimneys still standing , these I believe are those which collapsed in 1973 after having previously been lowered owing to their dangerous condition , on the collapse of these some fine timber framing was discovered in the older parts of the house showing considerable blackening , and Mrs Lingham informed me that vestiges of a gallery were discovered , and it was suggested that this part of the building may have been of the hall type .
26 He writes of an " industrial moral economy " .
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