Example sentences of "[pers pn] consider [art] " in BNC.

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1 As I have tried to show , ‘ neutral ’ language does not do this routinely ; however ‘ fair ’ or ‘ accurate ’ it may be , it therefore fails in what I consider a crucial political task .
2 I have a rule that once I consider a portrait is finished , I will never make alterations ; after all , as the painter , you are painting a portrait for yourself and not for the sitter 's wife . ’
3 I have corrected the final marking to what I consider a more just assessment and have spoken to the senior biologist about the personnel management in his department .
4 I consider a few .
5 Instead , I used what I consider an under value stitch — Brother fine lace .
6 I consider the most likely candidate for forgery is therefore an unknown cylinder or an unknown acetate disc — in other words , a one-off , which would be difficult to compare with the genuine article , because there would be nothing with which to compare it .
7 I consider the publication of your views offensive .
8 I consider the ideal clearance to be around 1.5 or 2mm on the treble side , and 2.5 or 3.5mm on the bass side .
9 I consider the distress of the farmers so great that nothing can be done to save many from absolute ruin .
10 ‘ Might I suggest that you wait with yonder deputation whilst I consider the matter further ?
11 In so doing I lay great emphasis on the Biblical text because I consider the Scriptures to be our ultimate authority in matters of doctrine and life .
12 When I consider the striking natural beauties of such a river as that at Matlock , and the effect of the seven-storey buildings that have been raised there , and on other beautiful streams , for cotton manufactories , I am inclined to think that nothing can equal them for the purpose of disbeautifying an enchanting piece of scenery ; and that economy had produced , what the greatest ingenuity , if a prize were given for ugliness , could not surpass .
13 I consider the question of kissing .
14 er , well I 'm , I 'm a waitress and erm when I 'm working I consider the restaurant my stage and I have to be somebody else because I 'm worried that you know who I am is n't good enough to entertain these people .
15 In the fourth place , I consider the levelling of groundless allegations to be a shameful response to the hospitality I have extended to you .
16 In the letter he said ‘ If I hear no more about him , I consider the horse mine . ’
17 Occasionally , when I am ironing , I consider the possibility of having a constituency which is called Mitcham , Morden and Mole Valley .
18 When I consider the mover and seconder of the Loyal Address today , I can not escape the feeling that , while the right hon. Member for Worcester was in successive Tory Governments because of his cleverness , the hon. Member for Thanet , South may have been kept out of successive Tory Governments for exactly the same reason .
19 I consider the idea that the issue should be decided by a referendum nothing short of bizarre .
20 I consider the hon. Gentleman 's remarks a little premature .
21 As the spend over the three years will be more than that — last year 's spend was £17 million and I expect this year 's to be £25 million , making a total of £42 million — I suppose that I could give my hon. Friend the assurance that he seeks , but even if our figures were so way out that I could be caught on that commitment , when I consider the matter next May — assuming that the burden still falls to me to do so — I would have to make the same calculation as I made this year .
22 I consider the and figure should be discounted down to eighteen , which is the figure I adopt for the whole life multiplier .
23 Mr claims for a five year replacement cycle , but I consider the vehicle is likely to have a lower mileage than is usual and that the replacement cycle should be one of eight years .
24 My Lord the er defendants deny erm that er if there was any breach of contract or negligent on their part as that caused the losses which are claimed and also er do not admit any of the losses or damage er I consider the damage which was claimed by the plaintiffs .
25 At the end of the hour , before I lift off the lid of the box , the orthodox principles of quantum theory bid me consider the cat to be in a state which is an even-handed superposition of the states " alive " and " dead " .
26 ‘ Well , I 'd be pleased to provide any references you need , but may I suggest that you consider a little more before acting precipitately .
27 What is it about antibiotics , I demanded , that you consider a drawback ?
28 In fact , in Hong Kong 's markets you can buy almost any creature or part thereof you consider a delicacy , from bear 's paw to braised dog .
29 Eighty years does n't seem a very long time when you consider the art of acting has been prospering in Europe over the last four hundred or so years , quite apart from the great traditions of ancient Greek drama .
30 At least it does when you consider the Audi 's terrific grip and handling , tireless brakes and great refinement .
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