Example sentences of "[pers pn] occurs in " in BNC.

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1 A brief account of them occurs in the memoirs of William Tuckwell .
2 It takes at least an hour to get the system clear and dry again , and is a very frustrating problem , particularly if it occurs in a competition .
3 It occurs in all races and can vary greatly in severity .
4 It occurs in the account of the chaotic part of David 's reign when his own son Absalom is fighting to usurp the throne .
5 Indeed , if we were able to give a more definite connotation to the concepts of ‘ masculine ’ and ‘ feminine ’ , it would even be possible to maintain the libido is invariably and necessarily of a masculine nature , whether it occurs in men or in women .
6 In Lewis , machair is a small percentage of the total area and it occurs in a variety of forms ; small bayhead units , larger east coast elements north of Stornoway , complex beaches and strands in the southwest at Uig and semi-continuous expanses between Barvas and Ness on the northwest coast .
7 Isotelus is typical of the North American continent , where it occurs in many localities .
8 Thus , for example , Preston , Dickinson , and Mackintosh ( 1986 ) have demonstrated that rats given alternate sessions in two contexts can come to respond appropriately to a tone that signals the occurrence of shock when it occurs in one of them and the occurrence of food when it occurs in the other .
9 Thus , for example , Preston , Dickinson , and Mackintosh ( 1986 ) have demonstrated that rats given alternate sessions in two contexts can come to respond appropriately to a tone that signals the occurrence of shock when it occurs in one of them and the occurrence of food when it occurs in the other .
10 It occurs in kitchens , bathrooms , rooms not in general use , behind wardrobes and around windows .
11 It occurs in John 's Gospel chapter 13 and is linked to the Passover , like communion .
12 By ‘ indexical ’ I mean the function which is attributed to the linguistic sign by the language user when it occurs in context .
13 ’ The word cratch was until recently in common use in Yorkshire for a large basket , and its antiquity is shown by the fact it occurs in a gloss in the Gospels written about the time of the Norman Conquest .
14 Research and writing on this subject has concentrated almost exclusively on abuse by family members and most of it occurs in the domestic setting .
15 They were selected because it is clear that , judged by current psychiatric criteria , they all did suffer from episodes of psychosis — to introduce a technical term to be defined more precisely as we proceed through this and the following chapter , but which for the moment can be taken as synonymous with the layperson 's conception of mental illness as it occurs in its most disintegrative form and which especially refers to serious disorders , like schizophrenia .
16 This kind of sexism can be ( and has been ) noted , but it is hard to get rid of because it occurs in ‘ unregulated ’ contexts : nobody has made or written down a rule saying that women can be addressed as ‘ dearie ’ or referred to as ‘ bitches ’ .
17 The problem must be recordable , ie the observer must be able to say how frequently it occurs in order to know that the intervention ( manipulation of consequences or antecedents ) is having an effect ( good or bad ) .
18 In Section 2 he rejects the suggestion , conveyed by the exclamation , ‘ Surely a similarity must strike us , or we should n't be moved to use the same word ’ , that some act must precede the act of using the word ; and in Sections 5 and 10 he talks about the ‘ mistake ’ labelled by the word ‘ to make ’ as it occurs in the question , ‘ What made you call this ‘ red ’ ? ’ )
19 It occurs in Henry IV , Part I. Falstaff and the Prince are having a high old time by pretending in turn to be the King chastising Hal for his association with Falstaff .
20 We have examined these processes in three different areas : perception as far as it can be determined from neurophysiological and laterality studies , remembering in a short-term memory context , and organisation in recall as it occurs in story-telling .
21 In particular , human performance within systems is impossible to predict with any precision and details of this performance as it occurs in practice or on simulators is the only basis for prediction on matters such as safety and system reliability either for the current system or for future systems .
22 It occurs in bands up to 1 m thick and 75 m long in serpentinised dunite .
23 At Clogau St. David 's mine it occurs in small , rich , steeply-dipping shoots associated with pyrite and pyrrhotite together with galena and bismuth tellurides .
24 Of course exactly that case never occurs , or if it does it occurs in such a way that it is not recognized as being a repeat run of the previous bitter experience .
25 That when women are given the vote it follows that children should be given it too is no argument at all , but a version of it occurs in modern debates over the justice or injustice of Mill 's famous disclaimer in his essay On Liberty .
26 Human beings developed the ethic of ‘ Love thy neighbour as thyself ’ within historical times , and it occurs in religions before Christianity .
27 It occurs in a number of quite precise and extremely crucial contexts , from the Maccabean regime on into the first century A.D. Thus the High Priest at the period of Judas Maccabeus ( who died in 160 B.C. ) is referred to as a Zaddik and described as being ‘ a zealot for the law ’ .
28 Compacts are all about the celebration of success whether it occurs in the fourth or fifth years , sixth form or in further or higher education .
29 It occurs in localized zones where these properties are functionally important , for example near the wing articulation of many insects and in the metathorax of fleas , where it forms part of the jumping mechanism ( p. 945 ) .
30 Research has indicated that police are more likely to perceive an act as delinquent if it occurs in a low-income inner city area .
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