Example sentences of "[pers pn] set [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Over the long haul , my penis might be more of a curse than a blessing and it might fall short of the goals I set for it .
2 Without further ado , I set to work .
3 She taught me the basics : casting-on , how to knit and pearl , and I set to work .
4 Gritting my teeth , I set to the task removing only trace of red rust and finally the whole job was completed with a coat of de-watering oil .
5 I set to work with my little bag of magic potions and do you know what I discovered ? ’
6 Each set of notes came with an attached exercise and at his behest I set to , to analyse squares of numbers , using keys to turn them into the letters that described either thaumaturgical entities , or else even the tetragrammaton itself .
7 In a daze , I set to with the trowel .
8 A 1:50,000 flat sheet map of the area was quickly acquired and I set to work scouring the area for my standard size circles , using Gresford All Saints as a perimeter marker .
9 So I set to work learning Italian intensively , because I continued to feel , and increasingly felt , that anything that could help to keep Italy out of any war that might take place , ought to be done .
10 I set to work with the pick .
11 I 'm a crane , I 'm a lorry , I 'm a brand-new motorway I set like concrete and I 'm here to stay
12 From the foregoing work that Tim Grant and I set in motion I believe that we have gained certain value .
13 You can do this each year on a percentage basis which you set for that year on the basis of your knowledge of the church-going habits of the congregation .
14 When you have a course that works , you do n't sit back and watch the grass grow — you set to work to make it even better .
15 You should continue to keep the time log to see whether the actual use of time conforms to the goals you set in the Action Plan .
16 ‘ You can be confident that the flywheel of change which you set in motion is resolutely turning , ’ said Director Engineering Group .
17 Off we set into the station proper , aware we were already late for the train 's arrival .
18 We set to work and produced the rally and it was terrific .
19 So we set to under our section corporal , Jimmy Brough , and slogged away until we had completed ten such excavations , wondering where the tents were that were to fill them .
20 The chairman was Sir John Newsom , and in 1966 we set to work .
21 We set to work on this with a will .
22 ‘ So we set to work on the pictures , enormous ones and little gems which would all go in the modern interior , and made them full of off-white and near-pink . ’
23 Meanwhile , having appealed to Leavis , we received from him almost by return a literary essay , and we set to work to write our own pieces .
24 I fetched the glasses , broke the seal and we set to .
25 It was only when Taggy found the key to this room , and I discovered it to be so beautiful , that we set to and cleaned it between us . ’
26 It was nearly four weeks ago that we set from Chelsea on the way to Australia .
27 Civilization had to be more than a mere confluence of economic interests : ‘ And until we set in order our own crazy economic and financial systems , to say nothing of our philosophy of life , can we be sure that our helping hands to the barbarian and the savage will be any more desirable than the embrace of the leper ? ’
28 Because we are outraged by the conflict in Yugoslavia today , we should be ready for similar things to happen elsewhere in Europe unless we ensure that we set in place institutions to prevent them .
29 THE person with the yellow rosette looked barely old enough to be supping the pint we set in front of him .
30 In his Essay he observed , ‘ When we set before our eyes a round globe … it is certain that the idea thereby imprinted in our mind is of a flat circle . ’
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