Example sentences of "[pers pn] pulled up " in BNC.

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1 I pulled up a few tufts of grass and covered the blood .
2 I pulled up my coat collar and sprinted along the platform and into the shelter of the waiting room .
3 ‘ The colour drained from his face when I pulled up in the wedding car dressed all in black , ’ recalls Alison , grinning at the memory .
4 With the fury that had accumulated over the years I pulled up some onions and flung them at him .
5 I pulled up outside Tremayne 's house and while I put on my socks again she said she would come in for a while for company , ‘ to cure the trembles ’ .
6 I pulled up opposite , wound down the window and stared .
7 I pulled up the gluey flap .
8 I pulled up underneath the e/a and gave him two bursts … the e/a was last seen at sea level eight miles away heading towards Sicily with some speed but apparently little concern . ’
9 I pulled up and down on his cock .
10 ‘ It 's just … it 's just … that I do n't have many friends and I do feel sort of isolated , I s'pose — ’ I pulled up short , I was trespassing on forbidden ground , getting close to revealing more than I should .
11 We were called to an explosion and house fire in Sutton-in-Ashfield and I responded as Officer in Charge and I pulled up outside , we dealt with the fire and then we began the investigation to find out what had happened .
12 I pulled up in a gateway , Sam jumped out and we went through into a field ; and as the beagle scampered over the glittering turf I stood in the warm sunshine amid the melting frost and looked back at the dark damp blanket which blotted out the low country but left this jewelled world above it .
13 Con Fenton 's cottage was less than half a mile away and on my way back to the surgery , on an impulse I pulled up at the door .
14 I pulled up and a young man jumped from the driving seat and ran towards me .
15 Neither Brian nor I had told our mother about these beatings but now , incensed , I pulled up my shorts and showed him some half-healed scars .
16 With deliberation , I pulled up all my orchids and threw them , strewn with crumbs of earth , into the wheel-barrow .
17 I pulled up outside the rest home she worked at and reached through the window to open the back door for her , the way real mushers do without getting out themselves .
18 ‘ Who did you say you were looking for ? ’ she asked suspiciously as I pulled up a weatherbeaten bus seat .
19 Ven exclaimed — and very nearly made her drop when he went on , ‘ One way and another , woman , I 've been interested in you since I pulled up my car behind yours , and you batted those gorgeous green eyes at me and told me that your car would n't go . ’
20 I pulled up fairly tight behind a car
21 Oh Brian annoyed me on my lesson I pulled up to the Kingsway right ?
22 But ha I remember I was on my test and I pulled round er it was very , very busy and there were two rows of cars and I pulled up and I thought right there 's a gap down there and I want to go straight on and all these others were turning le turning right so I squeezed down through the gap and then I thought right I 'm gon na be here a little while shall I put it in neutral , blow no I wo n't .
23 So saying , she pulled up at the gateway of a two-storey farmhouse used as the holiday and weekend home of her friends Mr and Mrs Clay .
24 Then she pulled up to the table the kitchen chair upon which Jack had been sitting and sat down , placing her elbows on the table and her head in her hands .
25 She pulled up in a fair-sized stableyard attached to a farm which appeared to be miles from anywhere .
26 She pulled up her skirt , opened her legs and straddled him .
27 With despair in her heart , she pulled up , cursing herself .
28 And she pulled up the weeds and she pulled up the teasels .
29 And she pulled up the weeds and she pulled up the teasels .
30 She pulled up and ran after the still-moving combine , grasped the rail with one finger and sprang on to the vertical steps .
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