Example sentences of "[pers pn] ask the " in BNC.

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1 I ask the steward ( who I notice has the words ‘ Love ’ and ‘ Hate ’ tattooed across the fingers of each hand ) for a glass , but am told , ‘ We do n't give out anything sharp here ’ .
2 When I ask the fat ladies at the drop-in centre what is the one thing that would do most to improve the estate they say ‘ get rid of the kids ’ and they are only half joking .
3 When I ask the people of the estate what they want from this election some say they want Cheviot to rebuild it and others that it would be better grassed over .
4 I ask the figure on the bed .
5 Then as we pass the slaughterhouse at Karantina , I ask the Christian driver the reason for the appalling smell .
6 That night I ask the opinion of an American reporter .
7 I ask the children to bend their knees and lower themselves and then stand up .
8 I ask the swaying member of the hotel staff who comes towards me who is giving it .
9 I ask the questions !
10 Therefore I ask the assembly now to vote o sorry , yes Dr you have the right to reply , of course you have .
11 This is where my question was coming I ask the convenor why the committee failed to follow up their good work by not promoting the kidney donor cards through ministers to the congregation .
12 Listen I I ask the questions here okay !
13 I ask the two DIs .
14 I ask the nurse .
15 I ask the Minister to support the new clause .
16 I gu my guess is if I ask the audience I I may get an answer I do n't like here .
17 I ask the questions here , and you answer them .
18 And I ask the question , or did it ?
19 One other matter before I ask the General Secretary I think our colleague might want to say something after the General Secretary .
20 I ask the council to advise . ’
21 That is why I ask the Minister to admit the reality of the situation , with that amount of money being removed from the state system of education .
22 I ask the hon. Gentleman to bear in mind all the other sources of public funds that are available .
23 I ask the House to listen to them , please .
24 I ask the House to settle down .
25 I ask the House to calm down .
26 I ask the House to settle down .
27 We are also interested in what the priorities are now for demilitarisation and reconstruction , and I ask the Minister specifically to approach our American colleagues to ask them to convert the substantial military aid that has until now been given to El Salvador into civilian aid to help with that reconstruction .
28 I ask the House to settle down .
29 I ask the House to settle down .
30 I ask the House to settle down and listen to the questions .
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