Example sentences of "[pers pn] follows from " in BNC.

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1 If it is really necessary to think of mental states as having qualitative content ( and see Dennett , 1988 , for some powerful arguments that it is not ) , then it follows from functionalism that such qualia do not have causal interactions with other mental states or behaviour and are mere epiphenomena .
2 And it follows from this calculatedly vague ‘ something more ’ that the Napoleonic idea does n't settle the question of motive either .
3 Moreover , it follows from this necessity for an absolute sovereign , that an eventual transfer of allegiance is inevitable when the ‘ sovereign ’ fails to govern , and keep the civil peace .
4 It follows from his identification of body and extension that there can be no empty space or vacuum , no Epicurean ‘ void ’ in which the atoms move .
5 It follows from Descartes 's view of mind that personal identity consists in the continuation of an immaterial substance , a mind or soul .
6 For it follows from this distinction that we see only the appearances of things , images of them in our minds , not the things themselves , ‘ so that , for aught we know , all we see , hear , and feel , may be only phantom and vain chimera , and not at all agree with the real things ’ .
7 Some hold that it follows from this that the priest must be male :
8 It follows from much of the above that there are major challenges in use of environmental data .
9 It is convenient to point out at this stage that , for colliding gravitational and electromagnetic waves , two of the scalar polynomial invariants ( Penrose and Rindler , 1986 ) are given by ( 8.2 ) It follows from this that , in order to prove the existence of a scalar polynomial curvature singularity , it is sufficient merely to show that the component 2 is unbounded .
10 It follows from this that stronger approaching gravitational waves would produce a shorter proper time between the collision and the subsequent horizon .
11 It follows from this analysis that the focusing hypersurface is a curvature singularity except in the special case in which one of the Kasner exponents is zero .
12 ( 10.68 ) It follows from this and ( 10.66 ) that , and so the first term in ( 10.64 ) must necessarily be included in these solutions .
13 It follows from this that even the Szekeres solution , which is everywhere at least C 2 , can be adapted by the inclusion of a suitable multiple of the term ( 10.20 ) to provide a solution without a curvature singularity in the interaction region .
14 It follows from this that , for any solution with and M there exists another solution with and M where .
15 It follows from this that one of the main aims of nurse training must be to produce a nurse capable of a high standard of nursing care .
16 It follows from the First Premise introduced at the beginning of this chapter , that it must be an article of belief in the Created God that this first pre-life period in the story of the universe made no contribution to the creation of the God which was to be born , as was mankind , out of the life to come , except that it may have been the source of the basic origin of life .
17 It follows from the supposition , mooted earlier in this book , that whilst all other species are capable of the enjoyment of sensations , both pleasant and unpleasant , peculiar to their kinds , the human species is capable of experiencing all sensations , of all kinds , and from all sources .
18 It follows from the foregoing observations that a knowledge of right and wrong has of itself no power to control behaviour .
19 And it follows from this that an acceleration of this replacement will have the same effect as if there had been an increase in fixed capital .
20 it follows from this that ‘ it is characteristic of all unproductive labourers that they are at my command … only to the same extent as I exploit productive labourers … however , my power to employ productive labourers by no means grows in the same proportion as I employ unproductive labourers , but on the contrary diminishes in the same proportion . ’
21 It follows from the above account of the expectations-augmented Phillips curve that in the short-run , both Y and P rise ( and unemployment falls ) , but that in the long-run , unemployment returns to the NUP and Y falls back to that level associated with the NUP .
22 It follows from this that some national legal and financial environments are actually too good to last .
23 It follows from this that what is necessary hi sā for one may well be considered unnecessary hi sā by another .
24 It follows from ( 6.4b ) that there will always be a critical column j with , provided θ is defined .
25 It follows from ( 8.3 ) that Y i does not change for any i in T A .
26 Another point that might be made about the relationship between the ‘ form-words ’ of grammar and the ‘ full words ’ of lexis is that it follows from the kind of auxiliary , context-complementary function of grammar being proposed here that the proportional occurrence of these words will vary in different kinds of discourse .
27 It follows from the above case that Reg 2(1) of the UK Regulations does not comply with Community law , since the UK Regulations currently state that ‘ undertaking ’ includes any trade or business but does not include any undertaking or part of an undertaking that is not in the nature of a commercial venture .
28 It follows from this that Mr Damant 's ideal earnings figure does not correspond to the currently available figures of earnings , since these include exceptional items ; Mr Damant will have to separate these out .
29 it follows from ( b ) that weapons systems ( even at the research and development stage ) , war plans , strategic doctrines , and diplomatic threats that have first strike characteristics are per se illegal , and that those political leaders , engineers , scientists and defence workers knowingly associated with such ‘ first strike ’ roles are engaged in a continuing criminal enterprise ;
30 It follows from this that the test of legitimate episcopal authority is that the bishop should speak with the voice of Christ .
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