Example sentences of "[pers pn] gave up " in BNC.

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1 Well yes , but let me say that I gave up going to auditions well before I became well known through The History Man , on television .
2 I gave up because I felt insulted .
3 When afros came in I gave up .
4 What do you mean ? she said At that point I gave up .
5 ‘ I am a teacher of English at a school in Cologne and I gave up my job at the end of March and returned to England . ’
6 Wexford waited for her to talk of love and instead heard her say with a strange sense of shock , ‘ I gave up my job , as I told you , and came back to London to live with him .
7 ‘ I started making hats when I gave up my job and needed something to do .
8 After giving your letter to my ‘ bonne ’ yesterday I gave up the fight and retired in good order to bed , where I am still .
9 I gave up the stiff white collars that I had worn at the advertising agency and was careful to wear plain ties ; but my suits were Burton 's at £10 a time .
10 So I gave up my quest .
11 I gave up work so I could practise singing and playing , and went on the dole in England .
12 I could not keep up with the demands of trying to keep everyone happy , and in desperation to make sure I keep my looks , I gave up eating , ’ she is alleged to have said .
13 I try to see Oreste , or used to before I gave up the torture , but all I see is a baby , fat and dimpled … ’
14 Since the conversation was outpacing my efforts to note the salient points , I gave up trying and used the little tape-recorder I had brought with me .
15 At the third attempt I gave up and hailed a taxi .
16 I gave up the job there and then and headed for Brazil .
17 When Nicklaus did finally track me down he told me the bag was still mine if I wanted it , but I told him I 'd already committed myself , so I gave up the chance .
18 ‘ I used to ask myself that one but I gave up trying to find an answer long ago . ’
19 I gave up the idea of tea , but was able to make a washer in the afternoon with rubber from an abandoned tyre .
20 While it was charming I was not at all happy there so I gave up the grandiose life and moved over to the Peel Street YMCA .
21 At the agreed rate of 10¢ per column inch it meant that if I could provide two 25-inch columns per day , which was relatively easy for me , I could earn about $30 per week which was $6 more than I was getting when I gave up the staff job .
22 It was at this point that I gave up any hopes for an aviation career simply because of the increasing high cost of hiring that DH Moth for a few hours every weekend .
23 So I gave up the production of all but ‘ Leicester Square to Broadway ’ and began to wonder if I would not be happier producing shows for the BBC in London or in another country — perhaps China .
24 I gave up trying to resuscitate that fern that had once had such shiny green leaves and perky look , declared it dead , threw it out of the house and went to see my surgeon .
25 I got so bad I could n't do it so I gave up .
26 After about an hour I gave up and retired to the Met Office , very much put out .
27 I gave up thoughts of university when I was offered a trainee manager post . ’
28 After five lorries and two vans I gave up .
29 Australian sprinter Raeleen Boyle once said that she did n't think she 'd ‘ ever felt totally comfortable with my lifestyle since I gave up running . ’
30 I gave up .
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