Example sentences of "[pers pn] go on " in BNC.

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1 Having said this , I go on to welcome the show .
2 I go on whacking the side of my leg .
3 But as long as I go on improving and enjoying myself I 'll play .
4 But as long as I go on improving and enjoying myself I 'll play .
5 I have often read this poem , starting off jubilantly , but growing disappointed as I go on .
6 I have written elsewhere ( Bolton , 1982 ) that the basic skill of acting is : ‘ an ability to engage with something outside oneself using an ‘ as if ’ mental set to activate , sustain or intensify that engagement' and I go on to say , ‘ I am using the word ‘ engagement ’ as a central feature because it implies a relationship at an affective level between a person and the world outside him' ( p. 135 ) .
7 I can not be refuted if I claim that my visual sense-field contains a yellow sense-content , but I can be refuted if I go on to claim that there exists a yellow object that is responsible for my sense-content .
8 I go on quietly , there 's no mystery and no problem , I 'm a quiet peaceful person .
9 ‘ But before I go on to thank our host , Lord Darlington , I have some small thing I would wish to remove from my chest .
10 I go on laughing — I resist them .
11 Before I go on to talk about the diet and overweight issue let us first consider the other factors that can cause heart disease .
12 ( How I go on , month after month about these ! )
13 ‘ Hunt is a legend here but if I go on and beat his all-time record I think it 'll take some bettering .
14 I go on to argue that , despite the underlying regularities , the behaviour of an individual animal is only predictable when a lot is known about the conditions in which the animal has grown up .
15 Before I go on , some of you may not have the foggiest what a fanzine is .
16 But I go on for ever … ‘
17 When I fight I go on to the end , as I did in 1926 . ’
18 bigger that 's for the same reason , there you 've got an E , and so because you 've got the E we can double the G to make the I go on , go on say short for
19 ‘ And I go on working on my memorials to her , to gather the strength to write more … .
20 Before I go on to deal with the other submissions which have been made , particularly those by Mr. Clough , who appears for the local authority , to support his submission that the order was wrong on the merits , there is one further aspect of the justices ' order and that is the second ground of appeal where it is said that the justices ought to have given the parties the opportunity of addressing them on the question as to whether prohibited steps orders rather than an interim care order , or rather than no order at all , should or could be made .
21 " If I go on blowing out at this rate , I wo n't have a thing to wear by January ! "
22 After the deconstruction of my eidetic capability , Gyggle had insisted that I go on seeing him .
23 If I go on defending Irina , I 'm going to lose out .
24 If I go on denying it they 'll all wag their fingers and say ‘ Aha ’ and tell me I protest too much .
25 ‘ Though I 'm a fool , I go on sighing .
26 If I go on like this you wo n't want to meet me .
27 But , honestly , I think we 'll just be wasting time if I go on like this . ’
28 And before I go on I must set one thing straight .
29 erm , ca before I go on to that can I just erm tell you what erm , where we worked ?
30 Does n't she know , I go on , that she used to be a role model ?
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