Example sentences of "[pers pn] round [art] " in BNC.

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1 It 's just the pocket really let's turn you round a bit see if it hurts it 's just the way it is I 'm afraid see if we can open it up and spread it out a bit .
2 " Oh , Hazel , " said Blackberry , coming up to him round a puddle in the gravel .
3 Iris had an American cousin staying with her and had been too busy dragging him round every art gallery and stately home in the county to have time for her .
4 If the student demonstrated by his choices that he did not fully understand a particular point then the programme could send him round an additional explanatory loop .
5 They did n't drive around in their fathers ' cast-off Rollers ; they pooled their resources , picked up a MkII escort for a hundred notes at an auction and took it in turns to drive it round a disused airfield practising handbrake turns until the car cried enough .
6 The bullet rolls momentarily and then comes to rest , but a slight lift of the rod-tip inches it round a little more , and then another lift until I am satisfied the crust is lying just short of the roots .
7 She strode confidently along a featureless corridor and followed it round a bend .
8 She snatched up a square of tissue paper , deftly swung and twisted it round a fat brioche .
9 Only if one turns it round a complete revolution ( 360 degrees ) does the particle look the same .
10 Rainbow spins it round a few times , and whistles .
11 Well he 's like that different taste , never sort of with Christopher stands for what he likes and what he does n't like , shall we mix it round a bit more to mix in ?
12 I remember seeing it round a bit
13 Self-consciously they took the tureens from the kitchens into the dining room , placed them on the trolley , and took it round an empty table .
14 When Red and I were kids we had races jumping on ponies in the fields and galloping them round a tree and back without a bridle .
15 The Half House met them round a corner , and Mary Rose exclaimed .
16 She herself paints abstract designs on an L- or U-shaped canvas , and leaves them on the floor or wraps them round a pillar .
17 Could you just lift me up above your shoulder and kind of swivel me round a bit ? ’
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