Example sentences of "[pers pn] let [adv] " in BNC.

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1 On reaching the Fish I let out a cry of triumph , overjoyed to have got there while conveniently forgetting the Verdon-like wall which lay above .
2 If anyone put Jacklin oft at this stage it was me , because I let out a roar when Lee 's ball went in , and I was keen to get to the 18th .
3 I let out a shriek .
4 I let out a terrified scream and scuttled down the stairs .
5 There 's … there 's the print frock I let out that fits you .
6 I let out my breath .
7 I let out a breath of relief .
8 Well that erm keeping the galley fire which I let out several times .
9 She told a Dublin newspaper : ‘ I wish to express my apologies to those I let down . ’
10 I let down the tow rope .
11 I let Nat have my dogs and sit in with Tony .
12 My father , a Desert Rat , tells me that in the North African campaign you never asked a man with a shovel where he was going , so I let Nat go .
13 And when Gittel cut my pride and my heart into pieces with her little sharp fingernails , and I let loose the dybbuk on her and got punished for it , I was neither one thing nor the other , once again . ’
14 I let off the snow hook , Rayo heads for the tree , Kaisa leaps out of the way , Sunniva follows her round and it 's back to knitting in seconds .
15 The infantry detailed to guard them let off only a couple of volleys before also taking to their heels .
16 And the day before his weakness waxed great , he ordered the gates of the town to be shut , and went to the Church of St. Peter ; and there the Bishop Don Hieronymo being present , and all the clergy who were in Valencia , and the knights and honourable men and honourable dames , as many as the Church could hold , the Cid Ruydiez stood up , and made a full noble preaching , showing that no man whatsoever , however honourable or fortunate they may be in this world , can escape death ; to which , said he , I am now full near ; and since ye know that this body of mine hath never yet been conquered , nor put to shame , I beseech ye let not this befall it at the end , for the good fortune of man is only accomplished at his end .
17 You said in your last letter that you were just friendly with Cora-Beth but you do n't ever write about any other girls , so I do wonder if you are n't more fond of her than you let on .
18 Now , because it 's first year exam , what tends to happen is you to tend to ok regurgitate the stuff you let through .
19 Once you let up , you will give him time to think , and he 'll realise how much money you 've lost him .
20 You let off like that once before , d' you remember .
21 The first thing to remember is that as you turn the boat away from the wind , you let out the mainsheet , the sail only works properly at one angle to the wind and so it 's essential to let out the mainsheet as you bear away .
22 When are we let out of these rooms ? ’
23 We let off steam in graffiti , vandalism and football hooliganism .
24 Queer how it gets us , all women and no men , the way we let off steam , like being back at school again , lifting up people 's skirts in the cloakroom .
25 The doctors said that he would have bled to death at a lower altitude and I 'm sure this is so , because as we let down over the Channel his bleeding started again .
26 The pretty girl behind him let down his trousers inch by inch .
27 More than they let on , I suspect .
28 But momentum was the thing — self-doubt came sneaking in as soon as they let up .
29 ‘ They 'll be very careful who they let up there , I 'm sure .
30 When the island was about a hundred metres over my head , they let down a seat on a chain .
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