Example sentences of "[pers pn] goes [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's just one of those dreams the urban yuppy like me goes in for , ’ he said .
2 One of them goes round putting the chimneys on and the other checks the flue .
3 Yeah so when people are saying , Well simple harmonic motion or erm you know throwing a stone up and down that sort of thing roughly is n't it sort of one of them goes up and down a lot like that one of them just goes up once and down same equation .
4 And then I goes up the shute .
5 And I said to her well every time I goes over I either takes children a few groceries .
6 On a Sunday I goes out selling , and all I earns I keeps .
7 cos every time I goes out there he 's sat and he 's sat and he 's sat as much to say hello
8 I goes out there and he said I du n no where that tape measure is , there 's two bags here .
9 Big Dessie , he come into work one day , he was and he come into I 'll see you in a minute Raymond , flew into the kitchen , and he runs past with a bo bottle of water and I goes out and he 's scrubbing the front passage you see .
10 ‘ And I goes in to this guy , and he goes like that , ‘ Hello , sit down . ’
11 Yeah , but if you remember I goes in to his right now .
12 Again her heart is represented by the mechanism from an old lift : she goes up and down as others will her .
13 If you tell anyone of what goes on , or call the police — anything — she goes up in flames . ’
14 There are very pressured days , says Jackie , when she has several visits as well a clinic , when she goes up every front path praying both mum and babe will be problem-free .
15 She goes up to him and tells him to stuff himself and in a flat half-minute he 's belting the old lorry up the London road .
16 She goes up the fire escape and looks into the upstairs rooms .
17 And she goes up Parker school so she was going , she said to Ange she was talking to Miss tomorrow .
18 She go she goes up to Leanne .
19 Oh , she goes up your school now with her little girl .
20 I doubt if erm we 'll be down here before she goes up to mine I do n't reckon .
21 she said , so she goes up on the step now , goes to this
22 Aye , she goes up
23 And she goes up to the two blokes and she grabs them by the balls and goes mm not bad , nice butt , you know ?
24 So she goes up to the first man and she goes , hi , handsome , and he goes , hello , hello and he 's erected , right .
25 This transformational stance , she goes on to argue , allows the ethnographer to have a personal discourse on aspects which are outside the usual limits of the body or corpus of collected material .
26 I found her infuriating … she goes on and on and is determined to get her own way . ’
27 She goes on : ‘ The problem with taking a management decision out of a farmer 's hands as an economic decision and putting it into conservationists hands is that the conservationists do n't always agree .
28 In the first of these Leapor warns beaux to beware of Cloe 's eyes which wound , and she goes on to describe her friend 's musical skill :
29 She goes on to complain of her exclusion from theological learning :
30 Then she goes on to add :
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