Example sentences of "[pers pn] was standing " in BNC.

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1 Even though I did n't say a word in the uproar and drank only water , I was standing there like them in the crowds and smoke , proud and glad and sure of myself .
2 It 's not silent — there 's the train on the ridge , the soughing of wind around the great buttresses above , lake-water lapping on the shingle shore where I was standing .
3 I was standing by the graveside and one of the Kavanagh sisters had said to Helen Moloney , Katherine 's sister : ‘ It 's perfectly all right to use Patrick 's grave .
4 I was standing outside Brigade H.Q when the reinforcements marched through the village .
5 George Underwood : ‘ When you leave school , you have to queue up and see a career 's officer and I remember I was standing right behind David in the queue and asked him what sort of job he was going to say he was looking for .
6 In the break before he actually started , I was standing at the mirror brushing my hair and he came up , took the brush out of my hand — I had very long , waist-length , peroxide blonde hair in those days — and he said , ‘ What are you doing after the show ? '
7 I was standing on the side of the stage watching him .
8 I was standing outside laughing , and they took a picture of me standing there laughing .
9 And it was as I was standing like that , in the shadows some distance from where the two gentlemen sat amidst those rows of empty chairs , that I heard Lord Darlington talk about Herr Bremann , his voice as calm and gentle as usual , somehow resounding with intensity around those great walls .
10 I was standing in absolutely the correct place for my descent .
11 After a great struggle Blair landed the fish and brought it over to where I was standing , mouth agape .
12 This guy went out with Lee next day , and I was standing at the back of the 9th green when Lee 's manager came running up to me and said , ‘ Willie , you 've got to take the bag — Lee 's fired the other guy . ’
13 I knew that during those brief immortal moments when I was standing up on the board , walking on water , I too felt like a supreme being , until the ocean cast me down again and turned me once more into a creeping thing that creepeth upon the face of the earth .
14 I did not see it until I was standing on it .
15 When he reached the empty space in which I was standing I saw that he had drawn an automatic .
16 I was standing on top of the wash-stand , and we were playing pirates .
17 I was standing there talking to him , and over on the other side of Lime Street , the station side , there was another mackintosh shop and they had ten shilling notes pasted in the window .
18 I was standing at the sink after lunch with the usual daily mountain of washing at the side .
19 From where I was standing I could see all the British athletes and supporters , cheering and celebrating .
20 I could view the progress of the race from where I was standing , just before the home straight , and I could see that Elliott and Daley had kept us in the hunt .
21 I was standing there staring at Vern .
22 In this dream I was standing by a river watching a man in swimming trunks caught in the downward surge of a waterfall or weir .
23 ‘ No , that one time when I was standing underneath the stage was close enough for me .
24 I was standing in the mortuary , flanked by two policemen , looking down at her .
25 A firm , insistent hand between my shoulder-blades pushed me further into the room ; my feet moved , but my body refused to follow and I realised I was standing at an angle .
26 I was standing in the wings on prompt side amid the varicosed tangle of cables webbing the black stage .
27 Gary , said yesterday : ‘ I realised how bored I was standing behind a machine all day . ’
28 A few minutes later I was standing on Miss Vulcan 's doorstep .
29 I was standing mouth wide open afraid of what was going to happen next , but I practically jumped out of my skin when he yelled at me ‘ to stop gorpin' an' fill the kettle ’ .
30 Was n't too easy for me , when I was standing for election .
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