Example sentences of "[pers pn] go along " in BNC.

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1 Initially , all that is required of volunteers is for them to go along to a clinic where a small sample of blood is taken .
2 He 's asked me to go along as wardrobe mistress , I said I 'd think about it but I ca n't stand the heat .
3 ‘ Look , ’ Donaldson told him outside , ‘ I 'm not being deliberately awkward , but you ca n't appear from nowhere and expect me to go along with you without an explanation . ’
4 for the empty , unoccupied homes that makes it very difficult for me to go along with my hon. Friend the Member for Torbay ( Mr. Allason ) , who wanted the 50 per cent .
5 On Saturdays as a special treat Granpa would allow me to go along with him to the early morning market in Covent Garden , where he would select the fruit and vegetables that we would later sell from his pitch , just opposite Mr Salmon 's and Dunkley 's , the fish and chippy that stood next to the baker 's .
6 There 's still some old leaves that ai n't been brushed up yet , so I kick at them as I go along .
7 The following Sunday Pat Muldoon stood in what had formerly been his local church at Gross Pointe , Michigan , and sang to the heavens , ‘ If I can help somebody , as I go along , then my living will not be in vain … . ’ without paying the slightest attention to the meaning of the words .
8 A steady pressure tries to pull my finger to the rod , so I go along with the movement for a few inches and then strike .
9 I go along with that , ’ he says .
10 Now , of course , I go along with the perception that being 40 these days is like 30 used to be .
11 So I have to make decisions as I go along as to which points need to be spelled out , which of them can be stated sparely , or which of them do not need to be mentioned at all but can be left to be inferred .
12 Harriet suggested I go along . ’
13 ( I 've done dozens of lectures now , in front of all sorts of people , and I always make it up as I go along , although I suppose I must have a rough idea about what I 'm going to say . )
14 As a matter of interest , I 'm totting up the sum of his holdings as I go along .
15 ‘ 'Ere , 'old on , guv , ’ said the bruiser , ‘ I du n no I go along with that .
16 When I go along , say , to open a fete or spring fayre , I make it a rule not to rush straight away after my little speech .
17 Erm I 'm half and half I I I go along with Angela in the main that the the kids in , generally speaking the kids that I 've talked to do n't want to put their own input a lot of them do n't want to because , as Angela says , they can not find the appropriate words and some of the others just write some some stuff that I would look at
18 I go along and watch women 's football and get really infuriated to see a man out there refereeing the game , and often in a very condescending manner !
19 It could mean , erm , against animal testing but I go along with it anyway .
20 I 'm making this up as I go along , really .
21 I 'm like a great vacuum cleaner hoovering up everything as I go along , or like a catfish sucking up all the rubbish in an aquarium .
22 I work from the inside and come out and finish things as I go along .
23 Yeah , well as I say , sometimes I go along while in between but I I think it 's more or less when when I 've been aggravated a bit , you know what I mean ?
24 A neighbour suggested I go along with her to the local WI and , despite my reservations , I had a wonderful time .
25 I go along with that one , and we 'd commandeered the scullery back of the kitchen to pollute our bodies with addictive anti-stress-related poison .
26 I 'll get some things together and think , decide as I go along .
27 Erm I go along with the brigadier on this , I do n't approve of any of the things I 've heard this evening , and I do n't believe that that is the normal course of action in the Army .
28 I much prefer being assessed as I go along , rather than having big exams at the end of the year .
29 I , I , I go along as same as the other , five hundred that 's my way of thinking , but I do n't know what everybody else thinks .
30 ‘ I can just see them , ’ said Garvin , ‘ when I go along .
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