Example sentences of "[pers pn] that morning " in BNC.

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1 My life lay away from them now , and the problems I had brought to work with me that morning reclaimed me with redoubled urgency .
2 ‘ You suspected that from the little you told me that morning at Coutances I had made investigations and found out something . ’
3 I had no idea that it was Martin until you told me that morning .
4 She had not even phoned them that morning to explain her absence .
5 Since Janine had told them that morning that she was pregnant , her whole world had fallen apart .
6 Nevertheless Cara smiled at them that morning , as she smiled at the frail , clerical-looking gentleman who was both their saviour and their torment , the pawnbroker who held his court on one corner of St Jude 's Passage , the other corner housing the red-headed madam of the fringed shawl who did not emerge from behind her green shutters so early in the day .
7 Life had become spiced by my longing , by the sheer happiness of knowing I would see you that morning , that night , next day :
8 That weekend is also memorable for something Dana said to me in the train on the way back to Salamanca : ‘ I knew you were gay as soon as I saw you that morning in the galleria . ’
9 Apparently Robert went to see you that morning after that operation you did with Dawn to help you .
10 Franca had in fact tried vainly to waken him that morning , stirring him a little and calling his name .
11 He was not looking forward to the events which he knew lay ahead of him that morning , but he dismissed all such thoughts from his mind : pleasant and unpleasant , most tasks were equal to him now : he viewed them with the same cold dispassion — so many tasks in each day , so many days in each week , so many weeks in each year .
12 Daisy Yates showed me the postcard she had had from him that morning .
13 Dr Tariq did not vouchsafe to the Colonel the news that had reached him that morning , that a Frenchman , home on leave , had sent by letter his resignation .
14 From some hidden vantage-point she had watched him that morning , while he rode away with the image of her in his mind and his —
15 Now , remembering all this , she wondered how she 'd had the temerity to stand up to him that morning .
16 The Earl had been shouting at her that morning , ‘ Have n't you gone yet ?
17 For about the seventh time Folly walked over to the vase on the mantelpiece which held the flowers he had sent her that morning .
18 Along with a Chinese freelance photographer , Cavell had called for her that morning and whisked her round some of Taipei 's famous landmarks , the all-marble Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial , a colourful Buddhist temple , and the Grand Hotel with its magnificent Chinese architecture , pausing only long enough at each for the young man to take the photos that would help introduce Maria to the Taipei public , before escorting her back to the apartment and approving the outfit she planned to wear to the dinner the radio station was hosting for the rest of the local media that night .
19 Since his meeting with her that morning she had learned that she would become the owner of the business and premises .
20 His voice was deep and soft with memories , so that she felt her heart dip , then beat crazily as she remembered the last time she 'd been involved in his research , when he 'd kissed her that morning .
21 And she told him all that Irene had told her that morning .
22 She had seen it that morning , black and sleek , leaving hardly a ripple behind it , slipping silently away on the morning tide .
23 The lines of his short-cropped ruthless hair were disturbed , as though he had forgotten to comb it that morning or else , having combed , had continually run his fingers through it since then .
24 Having , having booked it that morning
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