Example sentences of "[pers pn] [art] right " in BNC.

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1 Tell yourself , ‘ The very fact that I am alive gives me the right to a new beginning . ’
2 Consequently , there is no test I can perform , comparable to dissolving oxides in water , and so on , to give me the right to say something looks white .
3 But nothing gave me the right to say it now .
4 That gives me the right to insult fools like Fortescue .
5 ‘ The fact that you are here in my office gives me the right to ask questions and demand answers , and you 're going to tell me what I want to know , Lissa . ’
6 ‘ You gave me the right when you accepted my protection , sweetheart . ’
7 ‘ Your body 's giving me the right , ’ he said , blatantly dropping his gaze to her breasts .
8 However , the first legislation , the Crofters ' Holdings ( Scotland ) Act of 1886 , guaranteed security of tenure to crofters as defined above , enabled them to bequeath their holding to a family member , and gave them the right , on relinquishing a holding , to compensation for improvements .
9 Part of the refugee problem will be solved by granting them the right of return to Palestine ( i.e. the West Bank and Gaza Strip ) or to the Jordanian-Palestinian federation . ’
10 The signalman gave them the right of way simultaneously , the Bletchley train flew away and the Newport one remained at a stand with wheels spinning on the greasy rails , the Bletchley passengers waving goodbye to the fist-shaking Newport workmen .
11 And who gives them the right to fire off questions such as ‘ Would you like to make canned food more nutritious ? ’ .
12 In these stories the young characters learn that their greater physical power does not give them the right to treat the little people as playthings or inferiors .
13 It was n't until 1880 with the passing of the Ground Game Act , giving tenant farmers protection against their landlords and giving them the right to kill hares and rabbits , that the laws were even modestly relaxed .
14 Conrad and Philippa think they are real , and their reality gives them the right to doubt mine .
15 The most important was the right to prevent any single investor from owning more than 15 per cent of the shares , which effectively gave them the right to veto a takeover bid .
16 Sometimes I 've been drinking tea with a Sherpa friend of mine in the village of Kundy and there 'll be a clatter up the stairs caused by a dozen people saying ‘ We understand Hillary 's here ’ , as if that gives them the right to charge in and take over . ’
17 The real problem is that if solicitors prepare the written brief , there is much less of a case for denying them the right of audience to argue that brief before the court .
18 The 1971 Act also effectively discriminated against black workers by the introduction of the concept of ‘ patrials ’ , which was intended to distinguish persons with close ties to Britain from those without and give them the right to reside in Britain .
19 Fried rich , in Limited Government : A Comparison , p. 118 , states that such a response is ‘ motivated by the belief that such a constitution , if popularly approved , would give them the right to rule , over and above the mere power to do so ’ .
20 There is a danger that shrewd private landlords will go for short assured tenancies ( 4–5 years ) which would give them the right to get rid of tenants ( including those with dementia ) when the lease runs out .
21 Second , instead of continuing with the constitutional convention whereby the Prime Minister has the right to choose a government and a Cabinet , there is a concern to transfer this to Members of Parliament when Labour is in office , giving them the right to elect Cabinet ministers .
22 Some , however , did receive Him and believed in Him ; so he gave them the right to become God 's children .
23 The buyers rejected them but , before doing so , obtained from an Italian court a sequestration order which gave them the right to detain the goods against payment of damages .
24 ‘ And that gives them the right to try and maul me ? ’ she flared , unable to contain her hurt and anger .
25 The level of tuition fees charged to students gives them the right to expect a professional standard of service , particularly with regard to test-marking ; the Education Service is judged , to a considerable extent , by that criterion .
26 They will not lend any further sums unless they hold jewels as security , and more , unless they may have letters patent to give them the right to sell if they do not get repayment by the date appointed .
27 On June 8 , 1989 , the bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly granted Hungary , Poland , the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia " special guest status ' , which accorded them the right to attend and address the Assembly 's sessions .
28 The USSR Supreme Soviet , in a resolution of Feb. 25 , declared that the decision by republican authorities not to hold the referendum violated citizens ' civil rights by denying them the right to vote .
29 Having failed to consult the residents about their future , the report argued , the UK had a moral obligation to guarantee them the right of abode in the UK or in a third country .
30 But he accords them the right to boast , for they have returned with money and presents which are proof of their achievement .
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