Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] bad " in BNC.

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1 Stephen : I suppose it makes me behave bad , they pick you out , on your colour anyway .
2 Streets or parks are too theatrical for me to be at ease , so I make bad moves , exaggerate or , more often , under-bid .
3 I was just You know I used to always maybe take one and if I got bad I took maybe two a day you know .
4 What I wanted to add was : ‘ I brave worse weather than this every day back home .
5 Do I feel bad , exploited , put down ?
6 My lack of means is extreme , granted , and I look bad , skin white , mouth chapped , body apparently even shorter than usual , eye roaming and I daresay a bit fretful , trousers in bad shape , attention astray for a book lying around to pinch or even an old magazine , since I sold a few volumes I should now like to have kept , in exchange for a slug of what turned out to be the world 's nastiest though cheapest whiskey .
7 ‘ Not , ’ Gaily said , worried , ‘ not that I meet bad people .
8 It has been commonly assumed that in controversy even if we could finally agree on what is objectively so , the moral debate has not yet started ; you can still find good what I find bad , and unless we discover common principles from which to argue , the debate can never begin at all .
9 I feel worse . ’
10 If you 're ill and somebody says are you getting better , you say ‘ Well , no , I feel worse today ’ .
11 Vanessa giggled , ‘ I feel bad about Kathy , though . ’
12 But then , I feel bad for those people who want to stay independent , 'cos it 's harder and harder to stay that when all the labels are being bought up .
13 ‘ But I feel bad about it , ’ Margaret said .
14 He plays a short sample down the phone , an almost unintelligible blur May , a non-stop talker and tireless ambassador for techno , rolls his eyes in a resigned manner ’ I get every kid in the city ringing me up and I feel bad because I do n't have time to talk to them . ’
15 I feel bad about not sending more cards to Granny and Grandman , but time has been short .
16 Oh I feel bad !
17 Standing behind them looking at the steaming urn on the barrow , I felt worse than hungover ; it was a mixture of too little sleep , being hot and unwashed , completely unaware of what was going on , and worst , I was hungry .
18 And I felt worse , as I stumbled away , remembering Gharr 's laughter when I 'd struck him .
19 When we arrived … you ask me how I felt , sister … bad , I felt bad — to leave them all , everyone back in the village .
20 ‘ Well , OK , yes , we do feel shabby — in the same way that I felt bad when we re-released ‘ Rubbish ’ .
21 Only I felt bad , because she tried to tell me she felt rotten , and I was just trying to read . "
22 I felt bad enough as it was .
23 I felt bad about the phone the other night but I was dropping with exhaustion — I really need a holiday — and the right kind of holiday ( which is a different kettle of fish , as it were ) .
24 But I felt bad because I like her husband , Cathal , very much .
25 I felt bad because the bloke was with him and er she sort of glaring at him , and I said but Matt had
26 He instantly took in that I brought bad news and steered me at once into the noisy outside coupling space between the dayniter and the central dining car .
27 Well I , I took bad yesterday , I were , I were in bed nearly all day yesterday .
28 ‘ Not working is very disheartening — I do n't want to get to the stage where I do bad parts but being forgotten would be awful . ’
29 If we tried to keep it alive we had an open flank : some guy trying to save his own ass by telling them : ‘ Jeez if you drink I did bad things just look at what Magill and Tadham were doing in London . ’
30 I liked Bad Money .
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