Example sentences of "[noun pl] close to " in BNC.

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1 You can understand this is you can imagine yourself crouching with your knees close to your chest and balancing on your toes at the same time .
2 Sitting with her own bare legs close to a hairy , powerful-looking brown thigh , her fastidious gaze drawn to the flex and contraction of muscles as gears were changed , was n't precisely conducive to Virginia 's peace of mind , for some infuriating reason .
3 For customers wishing to leave their cars close to Gatwick airport Citalia has an agreement with BCP car parking .
4 The two terminals and the Fao tank farm were put out of action , depriving Iraq of the normal means of exporting the output of its southern oilfields close to Basrah .
5 ( Roughly , this involves averaging the usual periodogram in log-log space , giving unbiased independent estimates of known variance , and with distributions close to gaussian . )
6 With his precision of line , careful musicality and swift little steps close to the ground , Shaw , in ballets like Les Rendezvous , embodied everything that was best about Ashton 's choreography and which made the Royal Ballet unique .
7 ‘ Good ! ’ breathed Owen soundlessly into Cynan 's ear , in the bushes close to the path .
8 At body weights close to the required minimum women may still have anovulatory cycles even if they are menstruating because of a lack of peripherally produced oestrogen in adipose tissue .
9 With gunnels close to the water , much shouting and sharp warnings to sit still , Hussa and I dragged the boat back home .
10 Detective Superintendent Owen Taylor , who is leading the inquiry team , said yesterday that three people were spotted in an E-registration , black Nissan Micra car , near allotments close to the barracks at 8.15pm on 21 September , which was 12 hours before the bombing in which 10 bandsmen died .
11 Lakes close to the sea acquire minerals faster than those inland , from wind-blown spray and from seals , penguins , gulls and skuas , which like to wash in fresh water .
12 When reconnaissance shows that there is a large herd of elephants with young calves close to camp it is often decided to try to capture some of the young elephants first by means of mela shikar .
13 The Soviet government has responded to Finnish concerns by agreeing to take steps to cut sulphur emissions from two major mining and metalwork complexes close to the Finnish frontier .
14 ‘ I told you we 'd make it , ’ he said , lips close to her ear .
15 Lips close to her ear , he said , ‘ I 'm sorry , but I have to try it . ’
16 Bodie put his lips close to Doyle 's ear .
17 ‘ The Women have come , ’ Fand whispered , lips close to her ear .
18 Over the sea bass , Angus leaned across the white linen tablecloth , his lips close to her ear .
19 In a lull of comparative quiet in the wind-driven roar of the rain , Hoc leaned towards his elder brother and put his lips close to his ear .
20 Bending , he put his lips close to her ear and added in a threatening whisper , ‘ Or join you .
21 If it is wrong to advertise cigarettes in some media ( e.g. , TV ) or in some places ( e.g. , in sight of schools ) , why is it acceptable to advertise them in other media ( e.g. , in the TV Times ) and other places ( e.g. , on the fronts of shops close to but not visible from schools ) ?
22 ‘ Was it nice ? ’ he said , his dark eyes close to hers .
23 The possibility of earthlike planets was considered , and he envisaged illustrious extraterrestrials close to the sun .
24 These are selected because they have characteristics close to early social group work practice : the operationalization of values ; and a detailed method of enquiry .
25 One Home has had great success with an art therapist who came over to take classes , combining residents from a number of Homes close to each other .
26 There are no homes close to the area where the body was found , but workers in the docks area expect to be questioned by police .
27 For a wide range of models of release ( but not all ) , trajectories as steep as or steeper than the diagonal in these plots indicate a change in the number of quanta released , whereas trajectories close to the horizontal indicate a change in postsynaptic responsiveness .
28 But in the two weeks , as they moved slowly north into the forested hills and grassy uplands close to the hill station of Dalat , they had killed between them prime specimens of almost all the groups required for the museum .
29 For typed input this can mean knowing the layout of the keyboard , because keys close to each other are more likely to have been substituted , inserted or transposed .
30 Brinson could cope with the work only because he was at the Foundation , where people could see him , which had concerns close to those of the CNAA , and which allowed him time to take part .
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