Example sentences of "[noun pl] set [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Douglas Turner , of the RSSPCC , said key elements of the Orkney affair , such as the truth of the allegations , had never been properly investigated given the strict guidelines set for Lord Clyde 's inquiry .
2 In the gents loo , an old guy sits doing the Daily Record crossword while the red-faced clubbers wearing a mixture of sportsgear , the odd Happy Mondays G-Mex sweatshirt , ponchos and flares set to work on their hair with free gel and mousse .
3 Malaysia 's Industrial Master plan also represents such thinking , though many question whether the goals set for the twelve priority sectors of development strategy can be achieved .
4 The Bar Association at its annual conference on June 30 strongly urged the adoption of a multiparty system , declaring that the APC had " failed to achieve any of the goals set for itself " .
5 The craftsmen set to work , the people pour in their gifts , and the tabernacle , its fittings and the priests ' robes are all completed exactly as God has laid down .
6 At intervals of a few years , party congresses were held at which major changes of policy would be announced and new directions set for the future .
7 A state property fund was to be set up to administer the sale of enterprises , and the workforce would be given priority in buying shares in their enterprises ( except in cases of forced destatization or bankruptcy ) , with quotas set for sales to Soviet and foreign investors .
9 As well as Compagnie des Machines Bull SA , the French government has Thomson SA on its list of 21 companies set for privatisation ; the old 20% limit on foreign shareholdings has also been lifted .
10 There were many different sorts of trials set for the field-worker ( something noted in their field-work experience by Douglas 1972 and van Maanen 1982 ) , and the apologies other members of the section later gave her because of this policeman 's conduct is proof that these other trials , too , were successfully passed .
11 Ask yourself , ‘ What precisely is it I wish my child to say and/or do when I am asking him/her to be good , polite , helpful , kind ? ’ ( or any of those other vague goals parents set for their bemused offspring ) .
12 International : Moderates set for victory in Iranian poll
13 A spokesman at IBM Corp 's East European headquarters in Vienna claimed that the company exceeded the internal sales targets set for the first quarter of 1993 , and succeeded in increasing its turnover in the region by around 30% when compared with the same period last year .
14 Targets set for the compiler — including provision of a single parallel programming model for developing applications that can run on a variety of computers — were formulated by a coalition of industrial groups known as the High Performance Fortran Forum ( HPFF ) .
15 The taxpayer : The financial targets set for each agency are designed to be demanding , ‘ so that the taxpayer can be certain that the money that is provided for these services is used in the most efficient way ’ .
16 In the DTI , for example , resource inputs into financial assistance schemes were measured against outputs ( such as jobs created/safeguarded ) enabling the cost-effectiveness of the programme to be assessed , and targets set for future schemes ( Progress in Financial Management in Government Departments , 1984 , p. 103 ) .
17 This squares with the contention earlier in this chapter that the ROI targets set for embryo ‘ star ’ SBUs should be different from those for ‘ cash cows ’ , and so on .
18 Targets set for budget deficits were intended , as part of a three-year economic convergence plan , to allow Italy to be part of the full currency union in 1997 .
19 Managerial autonomy has been fostered by the growth of public sector commercialism based on the principle of allowing managements to operate freely within the framework of targets set for them by the state , and on the promotion of an ‘ entrepreneurial ’ approach to the management of the railways .
20 Vortigern consulted magicians who told him he should build a stronghold in Wales but as his workers set to work on a hill in Snowdonia their building materials sank into the earth .
21 International : German public service workers set for strike
22 On the other hand , the Hague Convention deals with a limited issue , that of service abroad ; it does not affect the rules as to the extent of the jurisdiction of the courts of a particular state , the rules of the forum court as to which documents are required to be served , nor the time-limits set for procedural steps under that law .
23 Samples will be available in April with volumes set for summer , it is under $11 in OEM quantities .
24 Nimbus has engineering samples available now with production volumes set for early in June .
25 Mr. Tony Banks , supported by Mr. Tom Clarke , Ms. Diane Abbott and Mr. Jeremy Corbyn , presented a Bill to make statutory provision for fixed term parliaments , compulsory attendance at polling stations , a public holiday on days set for general elections ; and for connected purposes ; And the same was read the First time ; and ordered to be read a Second time on Thursday 9 April and to be printed .
26 The rules set for life insurance firms , and proposed for general insurers , strongly favour insurers investing in low-risk assets , such as bonds , rather than higher-risk ones like equities .
27 Riders set for big city welcome
28 Although fish are not a usual ‘ pest ’ , the team of servicemen set to work immediately and , wearing protective clothing and breathing apparatus , removed the decomposing fish and freezers from the premises .
29 Courts set for priests ' holy battle
30 Top Irish writers set for literary festival in Derry
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