Example sentences of "[noun pl] set [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We are two words set free
2 According to official Japanese government estimates , 0.2 per cent of the nets set each night are not recovered , although the rate of loss is probably much higher , perhaps as much as 2 per cent .
3 The guests having been selected , there then came the problem of allocating rooms , since those who were jealous of their rank or susceptible to imaginary slights set great store by the nature of their accommodation within the Palace .
4 New rules for life insurers were announced by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners ( NAIC ) , the body through which state insurance regulators set nationwide standards , in December 1992 .
5 Children whose parents set firm limits for them grow up better adjusted , with greater self-esteem , than those who are allowed to get away with behaving any way they like .
6 Children whose parents set firm limits for them grow up with more self-esteem and confidence than those who are allowed to get away with behaving in any way they like .
7 Here the arsonists set alight a barn which adjoined the farmhouse … putting lives at risk .
8 The Libro de Madrigali ( Venice , 1568 ) of Mateo Flecha the younger ( 1530–1604 ) includes one with Spanish text , and Joan Brudieu ( C. 1520–1591 ) published a collection of eleven Spanish and four Catalan madrigals ( Barcelona , 1585 ) , while a few negligible composers set Italian texts .
9 On March 24 , France-Inter reported that the army had again opened fire on demonstrators , and that 65 people had died in a shopping centre which troops set ablaze after demonstrators took refuge there .
10 Appearance faults , according to the Breed Standard , include the following : Light , tall , greyhound-like in general appearance ; too long , too short , narrow body ; prominent occipital bone ; hound-like head and expression ; narrow , light , too short , too long , or coarse head ; flat forehead ( little or no stop ) ; narrow lower jaw ; long or pointed muzzle ; cheeks too protruding ; ram 's or split nose , bridge or nose dished or sloping ; tip of nose light or spotted ; open , pink or spotted lips , corners of the mouth open ; distemper teeth ; wrinkles on the head ; ears set too low , large , long , floppy , turned back , not lying close , or irregularly carried ; light ( yellow ) eyes , or a light and a dark eye , open , deep-set , too full , round , staring eyes , piercing gaze ; neck too long , thick , weak muscled , dewlaps or loose skin on throat ; forelegs set narrow or not straight ; light nails ; tail set too high or too low ; coat soft , too short or too long , wavy coat , absence of undercoat ; markings of the wrong colour , poorly defined or too extensive ; white spots ; dewclaws on the hind legs .
11 Assuming the no-arbitrage condition is correct in the absence of transactions costs , these transactions costs set upper and lower bounds on the departures from this condition that can occur in a competitive market .
12 This is a fortified church , because during the Hundred Years ' War the walls were raised and a chemin de ronde or covered battlement was added all the way round the building , deducible from outside from the row of arched apertures for the defenders set close together under the roof-line , like large pigeon-holes .
13 The Committee recommends that the NHS Management Executive should ensure that all English Regional Health Authorities set broad standards for waiting times for such appointments , and that the Management Executive should require District Health Authorities and Family Health Services Authorities to take urgent action to reduce waiting times for first appointments .
14 But look closely through those softly parted , glossy lips and you 'll notice the perfect teeth set hard and fast in a calculating smile .
15 Germans set Euro ambush for Major
16 Fanatics such as Obispal were invaluable ; yet they were akin to bulls set loose in china shops .
17 The value of foreign sales rose by almost $40,000 million in 1989 , compared with 1988 , as exports of livestock products , horticulture , planting seeds and wood products set new records .
18 Mobs of Right-wing thugs set ablaze a tent city housing refugees outside Leipzig and torched a hostel in Zielitz .
19 Sixty per cent disagreed with the statement ‘ politicians not ordinary families set moral standards ’ .
20 They monopolise access to public positions , they hold competition in check , they allow their expenses to be more than comfortably met from tax revenue and whenever things Set tough they form an excessively large coalition , not against any parliamentary minority but instead against the majority of non-organised voters …
21 Clinton maintains that foreign-owned firms set these prices artificially high in order to reduce their US taxable income .
22 In 1987 23.4% of the list MdBs were women , and 15.4% of all MdBs ; both figures set new records .
23 ‘ No — you 'd find it even hotter if we did , ’ he told her firmly , placing their suitcases down and switching on two small lamps on the tables set either side of a large , shabby couch which had clearly seen better days .
24 The pass gets its name from two groups of deep limestone potholes set either side of the road .
25 There were no windows in the walls , the only light being provided by the banks of fluorescents set high in the ceiling .
26 Bourbon producers set great store by the soft local water which passes through limestone on its way to the distilleries .
27 Under imperfect competition , producers set marginal cost equal to marginal revenue , which is less than the price at which the last unit is sold .
28 Some managements set great store by cuttings but a tally of the column inches or volume of press cuttings does not really tell you all that much .
29 A funeral barge passed upriver towards Abydos , its sails set full to the north wind .
30 Shivering a little in the silky bra and pants set that was all she was wearing , Folly held her only ‘ good ’ dress up against her to judge the effect .
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