Example sentences of "[noun pl] goes on " in BNC.

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1 However , the Oriental assault on British clubs goes on .
2 Good yes so I 've got that right , erm across states , military , economic issues etcetera from others so a range of activities goes on , that 's fair enough .
3 ( If one refrains from oiling the gear teeth of a grandfather clock , the teeth will not only not collect the dust and so not grind each other away , but also become harder and more polished as times goes on and so last virtually for ever . )
4 Loads goes on .
5 Now when interest charges fall , the person who is buying the house benefits from the reduction in interest charges , but the person who is renting a house in local authority and then in this case nobody , nobody else in Harlow to rent it from , is faced with , not with a decreased monthly rental , but with an ever increasing one because as more and more Council houses are sold the cost of maintaining that there , the superstructure of the town , the cost of maintaining Council houses goes on increasing and so the burden is laid on the tenants and the tenant can find , will find himself that pound for pound increasing his rent while the house owner is decreasing his mortgage charges and at the end of the day the tenant is paying increased rent , increased rate and with nothing to show for it , erm , I 've always been in favour of a sale , of , of property er owner occupiers , but not at the expense of the people who can not afford to be owner occupiers , ah , to my mind , the present housing system is designed to maintain the existing class structure because even with the large discounts that one gets and nobody 's ever yet convinced me that why you should get a discount because you buy a Council house , but if you buy one privately owned you ca n't get a discount and it , there 's , this , this is so utter nonsense , but it is throwing a much heavier burden every time a house is sold on the remaining houses which are for rent , and so you that , although the idea is to make it a classless this society with more and more people owning their own properties the mo the mere fact that the majority of people in the town can not afford to buy even the reduced priced Council house , is an example that the , the system , the class system a division by income still exists .
6 But the counting of the dead and the search for survivors goes on , the residents of Plainfield , less than four thousand of them , are familiar with this sort of havoc ; in nineteen sixty seven , a tornado killed thirty two people .
7 The council says it will continue to assess Steven and Jason 's needs , and it has n't ruled out a change of school.Meanwhile the argument over what 's best for the youngsters goes on .
8 Family Fortunes … his list of laughter duties goes on and on .
9 The accounting policy note on associated undertakings goes on to state that the directors believe that equity accounting for associated undertakings would not give a true and fair view of the group 's income .
10 The litany of plain bad and ugly buildings goes on , but perhaps more depressing than that is the realisation that only one modern building seems worthy of praise .
11 As regards to the non-payment , we are , fifty four pounds goes on in , forty three pounds goes on in , thirty seven pounds goes on in and , all of them greater than that which we have put on simply in order to recollect the poll tax .
12 As regards to the non-payment , we are , fifty four pounds goes on in , forty three pounds goes on in , thirty seven pounds goes on in and , all of them greater than that which we have put on simply in order to recollect the poll tax .
13 As regards to the non-payment , we are , fifty four pounds goes on in , forty three pounds goes on in , thirty seven pounds goes on in and , all of them greater than that which we have put on simply in order to recollect the poll tax .
14 And much the same process of intensification at the edges goes on in The Spanish Gardener ( 1956 ) , where another little boy is prevented by his possessive and emotionally repressed father from developing his relationship with a gardener .
15 Starting with a chapter which describes the observational characteristics of stars , The Physics of Stars goes on to explain these characteristics by describing the structure of main sequence stars , dwarfs , neutron stars and black holes : Two chapters not usually found in textbooks on stellar structure , one on variable and non-stationary stars and the other on protostars , make good reading and help the student to understand cepheid variables and the origin of stars .
16 Nowadays this cooperation between genes goes on within cells .
17 In rural areas the school frequently serves as a focal point for the local community — its removal can have a detrimental effect in that it may become increasingly difficult to attract new families to settle , the younger age groups tend to drift towards the neighbouring towns and the average age of the remaining inhabitants goes on rising .
18 The weighing , recording and allocation of prizes goes on until about 4pm , when the winning berries go on display until 7.30pm .
19 The hunt for causes goes on , and research into the causes goes hand-in-hand with care for the families .
20 For the chapters goes on to record the developments which had prompted a recognition of the need for that involvement , starting with those it identifies as industrial and economic changes .
21 AS the battle of the sea ferries goes on , P&O European Ferries have gained a new friend , a 15-year-old with a strong poetic streak .
22 The list of loonies goes on .
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