Example sentences of "[noun pl] sales to " in BNC.

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1 It acknowledged that all Noricum 's weapons sales to Argentina , Brazil , Bulgaria , Jordan , Libya , Poland and Thailand , had been means of providing Iran and Iraq with arms and could have been prevented , particularly if Gratz had had the destination certificates examined .
2 The attempt to impose stricter limits on arms exports followed criticism at the time of the Gulf War of German weapons sales to Iraq over a long period [ see pp. 37639 ; 37471 ; 36498 ] .
3 Senior officials representing the five permanent members of the UN Security Council agreed in London on Oct. 17-18 to avoid selling weapons likely to worsen international conflict and to exchange information on conventional weapons sales to the Middle East [ see also pp. 38365-66 ] .
4 He supplied Israeli security personnel to guard the Panamanian leaders and train their own forces , and later became involved in official Israel arms sales to the central American country .
5 Both men knew the ‘ deep , dark secret ’ at the heart of the affair , the diversion of funds from the Iran arms sales to the contras ; neither mentioned it .
6 We will place a total embargo on arms sales to regimes which violate human rights , and work for further global agreements among suppliers to control arms sales and technology transfer .
7 There must be strict control on arms sales to the region .
8 By the beginning of 1986 two major problems faced Reagan : further arms sales to Iran and a preemptive strike against Libya following several terrorist incidents the Americans believed were Libyan-backed .
9 The Franks Report said that British arms sales to Argentina encouraged the Falklands war .
10 The Franks Report suggested that : ‘ British Government policies which may have served to cast doubts on British commitment to the Islands and their defence [ include ] the Government 's preparedness , subject to certain restrictions , to continue arms sales to Argentina ( and to provide training facilities in the United Kingdom for Argentine military personnel ) . ’
11 Over pit closures , the scandal of the Matrix Churchill prosecution for arms sales to Iraq and the payment of Norman Lamont 's legal fees , the Cabinet gives the impression of considering itself above the law .
12 But , with the Government in turmoil and the crisis over the arms sales to Iraq adding to its troubles , it was n't difficult to see that Mr Lawrence was exactly where he wanted to be .
13 An example of mistranslation occurred when President Kaunda returned from the Singapore Commonwealth Conference in 1970 , where he had clashed with the British prime Minister over British arms sales to South Africa .
14 ‘ Oh , just the small matter of the DGSE turning a blind eye to arms sales to Iranian terrorists in return for the release of our French hostages in Beirut . ’ ,
15 The depths its members will sink to were illustrated by the attempted suppression of documents concerning arms sales to Iraq — to cover their own duplicity and allow innocent men to go to prison .
16 Europe and America banned arms sales to ex-Yugoslavia in mid-1991 .
17 Apart from the political objections many Latin American governments would have to the purchase of Soviet armaments , the traditional predominance of the United States as supplier of military hardware to the region , along with the increasing strength of Brazil as an arms exporter ( $1 billion worth in 1981 ) , are highly significant obstacles to the expansion of Soviet arms sales to Latin America .
18 When the foreign ministers of the non-aligned states assembled in February 1981 a Soviet commentary linked their concern over tensions in the ‘ Arab Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula ’ to the expansion of the American military presence in Oman and American arms sales to Somalia and Egypt .
19 In July it was disclosed that the Soviet Union was owed the equivalent of 87,500 million ( 25 per cent in convertible currencies ) , but much of this was believed to be for arms sales to poorer countries who were unable to repay it .
20 Menem paid a six-day visit to the United States in September 1989 , immediately following which the US Senate voted to repeal a 1977 law restricting military aid and arms sales to Argentina [ see p. 28343 ] .
21 The crisis also caused renewed Israeli anxiety over US arms sales to Arab countries .
22 Even in advance of the Security Council 's Aug. 6 resolution , the Soviet Union on Aug. 2 , and China on Aug. 5 , joined European countries in suspending arms sales to Iraq .
23 The Soviet Foreign Minister and US Secretary of State , meeting in Moscow , jointly condemn the invasion and call for a world ban on arms sales to Iraq .
24 During 1989 the Luchaire affair , concerning French arms sales to Iran between 1982 and 1986 when such sales were embargoed , threatened to develop into a major political scandal affecting the Defence Ministry and political parties on both the left and right [ see p. 35982 ] .
25 A parliamentary commission of inquiry into arms sales to Iran was set up on Sept. 27 and its report , presented on April 2 , 1990 ( without SPÖ agreement ) , contained serious criticism of senior politicians and of the Voest-Alpine group 's decision to manufacture howitzers and other weapons .
26 On Sept. 18 there was pointed criticism from some pro-Israeli Democrats over the extent of proposed US arms sales to Saudi Arabia [ see above ] , while US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South-East Asian Affairs John Kelly came under attack before the House foreign affairs committee for the lack of a clear signal to Iraq prior to Aug. 2 that the US would not tolerate any invasion of Kuwait .
27 A number of countries lifted long-standing embargoes on arms sales to Israel in 1989-90 .
28 France , which froze arms sales to Israel during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war , announced the sale on Nov. 20 , 1989 of five jet engines for the Kfir , Israel 's first home-built combat aircraft .
29 The US Congress was empowered to stop military aid to countries which flout international sanctions against arms sales to South Africa .
30 Chile had already signed an outline bilateral trade agreement with the USA in October , and the US administration had announced on Dec. 2 that an embargo on military arms sales to Chile was to be lifted , due to government 's decision to transfer the case of Orlando Letelier from the military to the civil court .
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