Example sentences of "[noun pl] asked for " in BNC.

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1 Clubs asked for early warning
2 Japan 's Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications will send a group of telecommunications experts to Vietnam on April 10 to hold a seminar about infrastructure development in Japan : Vietnam 's Minister of Transport and Telecommunications asked for Japan 's co-operation in developing the country 's telecommunication networks when he visited Japan in February , the Ministry noted .
3 He was the first to see the amusing side when golfers asked for a caddie — ‘ Your Worship ’ and mused that both his roles were ones of service .
4 There is no surplus from which to pay a dividend , but when directors asked for £162m of new capital through a rights issue at this time last year , shareholders were promised an unchanged final 7.64p , so they should receive it on July 1 .
5 The vice-chancellors asked for papers to inform their debate on fees at Leeds .
6 They drew no distinction between what the industry needed and what it wanted , with the result that government policy was usually determined by what the foreign mining companies asked for ’ .
7 In 1989 their parents asked for the twins ' photograph to be published in a Sunday newspaper and vowed that they would never be locked away in an institution .
8 The parents asked for access to be given to the Salvation Army , Baptist or Church of Scotland ministers , but all such requests were refused .
9 The US Federal Trade Commission is reviewing a new staff report on the anti-trust allegations against Microsoft Corp , but a decision on the matter probably is still weeks away , lawyers familiar with the case told the Wall Street Journal : with a two-to-two vote in February , the commission did n't accept staff recommendations to seek an injunction preventing the company from using its market power to engage in allegedly unfair competitive practices ; after the tied vote , the commissioners asked for more information in an effort to resolve the deadlock ; the status report , which was delivered to commissioners last week , provides additional support for the staff 's call for action .
10 Two social workers asked for this to be done , because they were so concerned about the policy they were supposed to be implementing .
11 Shortly afterwards the rebels asked for US troops to help them to defend the routes to the military headquarters they had seized .
12 The officials asked for further studies , which were reported to the department on 7 October .
13 Officials asked for money to help the Middlesbrough club survive after a series of fires at their Normanby Road ground .
14 The development officers asked for references , and interviewed everyone before employing them .
15 The Prospect Inn has two of its decorative lino floors intact , although the owners , Whitbread , destroyed the original pole sign outside when the tenants asked for it to be repaired .
16 Thereafter , whenever Ferdinand 's armies asked for quarter , they were likely to receive ‘ Magdeburg quarter ’ .
17 ‘ We lost some very promising dogs because owners asked for them back after a fortnight , ’ explained the spokesman .
18 At the 1890 Convention of Local Phonograph Companies in Chicago , delegates asked for a longer cylinder with a section specifically set aside for an announcement , but this did not come about .
19 Solicitors acting for the pupils and their families asked for all 334 children to be screened for psychological sequelae to the disaster .
20 For example , it used to be the time when farmers asked for their crops to be blessed for the coming year .
21 In addition , customers asked for a deposit may now appeal against the decision by BT to charge a deposit .
22 According to David Biehn , Eastman Kodak Vice president and General Manager of Professional Imaging , ‘ The film provides clean whites and highly saturated blues and greens ’ , features asked for by customers .
23 According to David Biehn , Eastman Kodak Vice president and General Manager of Professional Imaging , ‘ The film provides clean whites and highly saturated blues and greens ’ , features asked for by customers .
24 He then presented me with three sheep , after which all his family and relations asked for presents .
25 For good measure , and to show the regime 's non-Kurdish opponents that they are not trading democracy for autonomy , the Kurds asked for free elections throughout the country .
26 The railway was close to the turnpike road down the Onny valley in several places and the Turnpike Trustees asked for screens to be provided in 3 locations .
27 Some advertisements asked for only ‘ a reasonable figure to cover F & F. ’ But how much was that ?
28 ‘ The governors asked for ideas to improve the school and pupils voted to improve the toilets , which are about 40 years old . ’
29 Some suggestions were instantly taken up , as in 1925 , when five members asked for shorter carries and the committee agreed to reducing them to 120 yards , and also a later suggestion for setting aside some ground for lessons and practice .
30 It was also very noticeable in the United States how many American lawyers asked for assistance because they wished to refer work to an English barrister .
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