Example sentences of "[noun pl] after the " in BNC.

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1 US White House chief of staff John Sununu reiterated on Jan. 13 the US insistence that there could be no linkage with the Palestinian issue but that " certainly there are opportunities after the Gulf crisis is resolved when such a conference takes place " .
2 The several hundred Ma delay in the basin impacts after the main phase of accretion can also be explained , because it can be shown that the more massive a body the longer it is likely to survive before being collected by the Moon ( or by the Earth ) .
3 Even the work of scribes writing centuries after the Conquest has been dismissed in this way , seemingly mainly because it is variable , and not because we can ( usually ) know whether the scribe was a first-language speaker of Anglo-Norman , or whether it would have been relevant if he had been .
4 Arrangements were also made for two firemen to take it in turns to sleep on the premises and instructions were given to these men to go all round the shops after the Works are closed and ‘ inspect every hole and corner to see if there is any sign of fire and afterwards to sleep on the premises so as to be ready in case of accident ’ .
5 Telecom Corp of New Zealand Ltd 's $1,100m of long-term debt has come under scrutiny from Moody 's Investors Service Inc , which says it may cut its triple-A ratings after the company changed its financing policy : Moody 's examination will focus on whether the change will significantly reduce the company 's debt protection measurements over time .
6 On 14 August 1903 , the school teachers asked to keep their travelling privileges after the schools were to be handed over to the Local Education Authority .
7 Two months after the Herling piece was published Levi committed suicide , throwing himself down the staircase of the house in Turin where he was born and grew up , where he wrote about his life in the camp at a desk which stood where his cradle had stood , a house he shared with his wife and mother .
8 Six months after the Guardian article appeared , two and a half years after she was waved out of their hospital , South Manchester health authority finally agreed to supply a psychologist for two hours a week .
9 Six months after the house was finished and the specially commissioned green leather furniture from Hull of Wardour Street had been arranged , Mrs Pugin 's health proved unsuited to watery Wiltshire .
10 A Gallup poll conducted for the Daily Telegraph two months after the Euro-elections found that an ‘ overwhelming ’ majority of the electorate , including three-quarters of those who voted Tory in the 1987 general election , believed the government was not doing enough to protect the countryside .
11 Small wonder that only four months after the Berlin Wall came down East German satirists are finding it hard not to be outdone by reality .
12 Predictably , the Koons exhibit dominated attention at a festival that included work from scores of internationally renowned , but less flashy artists , and even proved so provocative that one fanatic ended up slashing each painting with a knife , some four months after the show opened .
13 Oppenheimer himself was refused security clearance in December 1953 , four months after the first Russian H-bomb was exploded .
14 Mr Anderson told the tribunal he could not apply for bad debt relief until 12 months after the debt had arisen while Customs had penalised him for paying the VAT ‘ a mere 16 days late . ’
15 The affair took a sinister turn four months after the investigation began when a young American banker , due to appear in court on fraud charges connected with offshore banking transactions , died in mysterious circumstances .
16 Few proposals have been agreed , five months after the idea was approved by Mr Lamont , Chancellor , in an attempt to save about 40,000 families from having their homes repossessed .
17 Due to the grassroots attention to detail , and the extensive preparatory groundwork , the field research for the study was completed relatively quickly , several months after the funding was finally approved , and the Task Force turned its attention to the organisation and computer analysis of the data .
18 This was probably raised to support the Cub 's call for increased membership so as ‘ to start a fund for the redemption of Bonds ’ , only 18 months after the course opened .
19 A single order may not be sufficient for this latter aim , and it is advisable to go back to the shelves some months after the new stock has reached them and decide whether a further order is necessary .
20 A few months after the service started there was a tragedy when the young daughter of Mr. Whitehead , Headmaster of The Salisbury School ( now Chafyn Grove ) was killed as she ran behind the reversing bus from which she had just alighted .
21 Last week , six months after the Wrexham factory opened , Intermagnetics acknowledged that it does not yet have a VHS licence .
22 It provides that existing holdings of 10 per cent or more must be notified to the EC-listed company at the first annual general meeting which takes place more than three months after the Directive has been implemented ; they must be notified to the competent authority at the same time and must be made public within one month after the meeting .
23 However , of the first 100 notified to the Commission ( but such notification is haphazard , and may not therefore be representative ) as having been formed in the first 14 months after the EEIG Regulation came into effect on 1 July 1989 , a rough pattern emerges .
24 ‘ Japanese players are still hunting for the ultimate barcode 18 months after the game first went on sale .
25 JUNE 9 : Two months AFTER the deal has been completed , BRDC 's financial advisers , Rawlinson and Hunter , report they consider it a ‘ high risk ’ investment .
26 The ruling came nine months after the Serious Fraud Office abandoned the prosecution against Lord Spens and his co-defendant Roger Seelig .
27 Repercussions over Dowty are still re-verberating through TI today , almost nine months after the bid was declared unconditional .
28 Not exactly subtle , considering the case 's complexity , but it is the verdict which no doubt still lingers in people 's minds months after the convictions were quashed .
29 On 12th June 1977 , twenty-one months after the Maynard contracts were terminated , Ian Paisley announced publicly that he had information about additional irregularities in Northern Ireland Housing Executive contracts which he would reveal in due course .
30 That was in 1956 — with the proviso that it could not be released until six months after the London stage run had ended .
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