Example sentences of "[noun pl] themselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the USA it is not uncommon for the recordings themselves to be broadcast on domestic television or radio in news or current affairs programmes , while in Australia , at the other extreme , the pilot 's union has an agreement that the CVR will not even be examined by official investigators unless the flight crew are killed .
2 Marie Claire had some novels about English girls lost in the desert at the mercy of proud sheikhs , but those girls were as proud as the sheikhs themselves and defiant too — at least until near the end of the story — and the sheikhs were prepared to make some concessions themselves by that time .
3 For the important group of metalworking industries in all of the five countries which Sisson investigates , multi-employer bargaining was established by the parties themselves in Britain and Sweden , and by legislative enactment in the other three , but in response to a somewhat differing challenge from the trade unions .
4 Bargaining levels are related to the structure of the parties themselves in collective bargaining , particularly the extent to which their own respective organisations are strongly centralised ( federated ) at national level , and to the extent or density of unionisation of a country 's labour force ( Clegg , 1976 ) .
5 Decisions in a compliance system are graduated in character ( Eisenberg , 1976 ) , and though in rare cases matters are ultimately settled by adjudication , they are normally controlled by the parties themselves in private , intimate negotiations which rely on bargaining , not adjudication .
6 The curious absence of the traders themselves from this formulation reflects Morel 's concentration on winning labour to the pacifist cause .
7 Our budget reflects our commitment to our schools , it aims to improve the level of service to our schools , particularly in the area that 's been identified the schools themselves , by the schools themselves as one of their highe their highest priorities , that was special needs .
8 It is probable that the economic situation in the industrial countries will deteriorate further in the longer term as some of the constraints upon growth which I discussed earlier take effect ; and there will then be a much greater likelihood of conflict among the rich nations themselves in the struggle for natural resources , markets and some kind of economic growth , while the poorer developing countries will experience increasing hardship and may reach a point of economic collapse .
9 The use of three-dimensional shapes for printing gives opportunity for the shapes themselves to be compared and discussed .
10 Seekie refused and , despite earlier declarations to the contrary , asserted that the conflict " must be resolved by Liberians themselves without any interventions from outside " .
11 Users can track forward and back through cross references in the encyclopaedia articles themselves by using a single keystroke .
12 In particular , there is a need for clear guidance on the reporting by companies themselves on inherent uncertainties and statements of directors ' responsibilities .
13 It considered that the quotas must be regarded as limitations imposed by the institutions of the European Communities themselves on the right , created by article 52 of the E.E.C .
14 I 'm quite sure that the way forward for teachers and parents is within some kind of co-operative framework , and the only way that can work effectively is for each to be aware of other 's needs and difficulties , and the kind of barriers that have existed in the past for parents to get into schools I think are being lowered by the schools , but it takes almost a generation , I think , for parents to stop being frightened about what school is doing and the kind of parents who 've had bad experiences themselves in schools , I think , have enormous difficulties in approaching teachers and I 'm sure the answer is in terms of co-operative activity — children and schools , schools and parents , and all of them together with myriad of outside agencies that are available for children with severe problems .
15 In practice many managers are reluctant to delegate and attempt to do many routine matters themselves in addition to their more important duties .
16 Within Protestantism a shift occurred — away from the exegetical principles of the Reformers themselves toward a more legalistic attitude .
17 Especially when the complainant 's village was relatively remote and the headmen themselves in league with the thieves , the long trip to court with little prospect of success was made even more unattractive by the possibility of violence .
18 So what I 'm suggesting you do is , decide roughly what your categories are going to be , and write at the top of the in pencil , or on the tabs themselves in pencil , as to what you , you want them to be .
19 All six companies use unedited quantitative information ; for example , the annual accounts which can be analysed by the planners themselves in order to form their own opinions .
20 1 the attitudes of the fishermen themselves towards these new craft ,
21 Banks have a dual role , as agents for their customers who buy and sell foreign exchange , and as dealers themselves in foreign exchange .
22 The first lies in increasing the efficiency of the curriculum development workers themselves through heightening their awareness of the growth points and problems in the schemes they are developing .
23 This spare copy has now been stopped following recent budgetary cuts at NACAB central and area offices , but its importance has been reaffirmed by advice workers themselves in that the vast majority of bureaux choose to buy a spare copy from NACAB using bureaux budgets .
24 To get the best shots of the Falcon 's descent into an American football stadium Steve set up cameras inside the Hercules plane and attached to the freefallers themselves before positioning himself on the ground .
25 The project consulted carers themselves about their needs , and also worked with voluntary and statutory agencies dealing with Afro-Caribbean elderly people .
26 But perhaps the most important element connecting economy and culture are the ( new ) classes themselves with their material ( economic ) and ideal ( cultural ) interests .
27 Broadly speaking , therefore , these two terms help us to define class boundaries and to see how they are sustained ( or not ) by the action of classes themselves within an economic system .
28 Eric Midwinter is quite categoric in his chapter about the discrimination which exists against older people in government appointments to voluntary office and which is applied by voluntary organisations themselves towards their older volunteers .
29 They saw the cartel as a necessary evil to make the market less volatile and to restrain producers themselves from trying to corner the market in coffee futures .
30 However , he added , for self-assessment to work , the tax has to be simple enough for taxpayers themselves to be able to fill in their own tax returns .
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