Example sentences of "[noun pl] rule out " in BNC.

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1 Experts ruled out equipment failure as a million-to-one chance .
2 JD and the Left Front parties ruled out participation in a coalition , but agreed to support a Congress ( I ) minority government from outside on specific issues .
3 Neither of the main parties ruled out formation of a coalition ; no party in Israel had ever won the 61 seats necessary to secure a majority in the Knesset .
4 Methods to rule out such concurrent illnesses and conditions must include cerebrospinal fluid examination and either brain imaging ( computed tomography or magnetic resonance ) or autopsy .
5 Its critics claim that any assessment based on arbitrary demographic characteristics rules out a substantial number of people who would have been accepted on the basis of their individual performance , and is therefore unfair to them .
6 These were the very rays which provided energy to synthesise amino acids and sugars in the primordial oceans , so the arrival of the blue-greens ruled out the possibility that life on earth could ever begin in the same way again .
7 Both Labour and the Conservatives ruled out a post-election pact with the Liberal Democrats , while Mr Ashdown appeared to soften his threat to vote down the legislative programme of a minority Government .
8 Judges rule out jail for incest father .
9 Equally , sterling held up well as dealers ruled out an early cut in interest rates , or at least until the Bundesbank eventually shows its hand with some cuts of its own .
10 Investigators ruled out any connection with the Gulf war , however .
11 This has led some economists to rule out or substantially to downgrade price as a factor [ Caves , 1968 ; Posner and Steer , 1979 ] .
12 Led by Maurice Kittrell , the club president , the club have explored the possibility of moving to various sites but planning obstacles and other problems ruled out any change .
13 However , well-informed sources ruled out both British Aerospace and STC as buyers , saying they believed Hoare Govett was acting on behalf of normal investment clients or Middle Eastern investors with an interest in Ferranti 's future .
14 None of these alternative treatments rule out subsequent treatment of residual port wine stain with a pulsed dye laser , and using several different lasers in combination often gives the best results .
15 Do these problems with identifying homologies rule out extrapolations between species ?
16 He was flown by helicopter to the Royal London Hospital , Whitechapel , east London , where surgeons ruled out emergency surgery after initial investigations .
17 Attention will mainly be directed to the towering mass of Middleton Fell on the west side of the valley , very steep slopes ruling out any thought of ascent ; Barbon High Fell , rising on the east , is also uninviting although easier of access .
18 Then the inclusion of the word self contained in this criteria within those terms rule out all proposals .
19 Doctors ruled out any co nnection with his time on Christmas Island and nuclear testing .
20 The doctors rule out insanity , God knows why , just as the club and other circles of ‘ our town ’ think a sane Stavrogin capable of ear-biting and nose-pulling .
21 Police ruled out the possibility of sabotage .
22 But after a lengthy investigation the police ruled out foul play .
23 Raybestos ruled out the possible compromise of a temporary permission to dump asbestos at the site .
24 Chrzanowski ruled out inviting Jaruzelski to a Sejm meeting , but told the press that he might be summoned by a special committee , set up as a result of the resolution , to investigate ways of compensating people for wrongs inflicted for political reasons under martial law .
25 However , two major points rule out the view that this means that indiscriminate attacks ( including the use of nuclear weapons ) are how legitimate .
26 A spokeswoman for the Department of Marine said that tests carried out last year on the swans ruled out claims that the deaths had been caused by high levels of copper poisoning .
27 Whereas the aims of the work of civilization accomplished by France in her colonies rule out all idea of autonomy and all possibility of development outside the French Empire ; [ therefore ] the eventual constitution , even in the far off future , of self-government in the colonies is out of the question .
28 Injuries rule out scrum-half Douglas ( Newcastle Gosforth ) and Lumsden , who would have been Oxford University 's full-back last December .
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