Example sentences of "[noun pl] bring about " in BNC.

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31 Have the films brought about improvements even for that great orchestra ?
32 Perhaps some may have enjoyed their brief flirtation with notoriety , some may even have gained financially , but others may regret the publicity , possibly suffering from poison-pen attacks brought about by the exposure by the press of names and addresses of those who were victims of sexual attacks ( but not raped ) by The Fox or who were unlucky enough to be associated by both , marriage or friendship to this man .
33 What is interesting , however , is that it has taken over ten years to bring about the changes Leonard anticipated .
34 Its ethos is to work through existing organisations to bring about change .
35 It would also transform the created order , resulting in geological changes bringing about a favourable climate and fertility of the soil , so that Israel surpassed her early reputation of being a land of ‘ milk and honey ’ ( Isa. 11:6–9 ; 32:14–20 ; 38:1f ; Zech. 14:3f ; Amos 9:13 ) .
36 The increasing sophistication of urban demands for consumer goods such as pots and ironwork for house-building , the problems brought about by the steady withdrawal from continental sources of supply and the need for stronger defences , combined with the entrepreneurial spirit of many local landlords and the increased flow of capital from farming and trading profits to encourage a very rapid development indeed .
37 Alternatively , he may believe that the inefficient use of scarce resources brought about by regulating insider dealing is immoral .
38 Administrative reforms brought about by the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act merely consolidated the already established authority in West Ham .
39 This long-term change was far more striking than short-term cyclical variations brought about by political tensions or fluctuations in the general level of economic activity .
40 For example , a child who is experiencing language difficulties brought about by severe environmental deprivation will be saved from further harm if removed to another , more stimulating , environment .
41 Some new measures had , of course , been necessary , but on the whole changes brought about by the war were less incisive than they had been in 1914 .
42 Because Nonconformists had done so well out of the changes brought about in the nineteenth century it is not surprising that increasing numbers assumed the inevitability of liberal progress to be as much part of the natural order as the law of gravity .
43 When news of the wonderful changes brought about in Kidderminster at this time spread , it won the approval of Anabaptists and Independents who hardly believed it possible that such a work of God could take place through the ministry of a parish church .
44 Changes brought about by the National Curriculum and Local Management of Schools have altered the content and balance of the curriculum and brought about a radical revision in the style of school management .
45 Disraeli 's Government of India Act of 1858 was introduced as a direct result of the Indian Mutiny , and as a consequence of the administrative changes brought about by that Act , Scott 's brief was considerably extended .
46 The physical changes brought about by drugs , alcohol and cigarettes used by a pregnant woman on her unborn child are distressingly obvious .
47 Others have highlighted the need for monitoring the changes brought about by the proposals ( Judge , 1989 ) .
48 The sensitivity of a market to changes brought about by acquisitions and mergers is likely to be all the greater where the market itself is stagnant and without perceived prospects of overall growth in consumer demand .
49 The maturity analysis of commercial assets is one of the disclosure changes brought about by the directive ; another is the inclusion on the face of the balance sheet by way of memorandum of contingent liabilities and commitments .
50 Increasingly we are seeing the influence of the positive developments and changes brought about by GCSE on work done in the earlier secondary years .
51 It enables the counsellor to focus upon the changes brought about by changing diet , medication , or social and psychological circumstance .
52 What was happening to my body — not only the changes brought about by puberty , but the fact that the clothes it wore and the food it consumed were chosen for it by someone else — was a metaphor for what was happening to me as a whole person .
53 It has had to accommodate with changes brought about by television and radio : television and radio deliver news instantly and usually with sound and/or visual images .
54 Apart perhaps from the revision of the Holy Week liturgy , the changes brought about in the Church 's worship under Pius XII now seem relatively modest .
55 The effect of these three changes brought about by the growth of corporate enterprise was that the market could no longer be viewed as regulating and thereby legitimating the exercise of corporate power .
56 First , one of the most important conceptual changes brought about by the most recent wave of feminism is the general recognition that housework is work in all the conventional senses , except that it is unpaid .
57 Whatever the reasons , it is certain that the development of financial conglomerates could not have been fully completed without the radical changes brought about by what in Britain is known as the ‘ Big Bang ’ — the deregulation of the Stock Exchange in October 1986 .
58 The changes brought about by the Companies Act 1989 , requiring only adequacy of treatment have , however , given the SRO 's more scope to map out what they consider suitable regulation within their own particular regulatory domain .
59 Before we proceed to the changes brought about in this system by the Yorkist and Tudor sovereigns , certain general observations must be made about medieval administration .
60 Had the changes brought about by the 1980 Social Security Act not taken place , the maximum payment in 1981 would have been £19.25 .
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