Example sentences of "[noun pl] bring together " in BNC.

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1 The European Commission 's COMETT programme is aimed at high-level technology training , and its projects bring together the providers and users of training .
2 There is also a National Council for Urdu Teaching , formed from two previously existing working parties in 1984 : its termly meetings bring together colleagues from a number of different areas .
3 These designs bring together stainless steel blades and high technology moulded plastic handles to produce scissors which are very light and easy to use .
4 He could seldom resist an invitation to address a learned society , a university , a county or regional association , a professional body , indeed any gathering of apparently public-spirited gentlemen brought together for non-commercial purposes .
5 TAG was taking steps to bring together a working party to design an appropriate scheme .
6 A High Elf army is normally a compact and hard hitting force , a select body of Elves brought together to defend some realm or oust an invader .
7 The meetings programme includes small workshops bringing together academics with government and private sector economists ; lunchtime discussion meetings at which Research Fellows speak on policy-relevant topics , with audiences from Whitehall , Westminster , business and the academic community ; academic workshops , seminars , colloquia and conferences ; and periodic meetings of the Research Fellows in each programme to discuss and organise research and to plan new research initiatives .
8 Both views are right ( Handy and Aitken 1986:34 ) : In that they are collections of individuals brought together for a purpose , schools are subject to all the problems , limitations and excitements that are inherent in getting people to work together , wherever they do it .
9 Spain , its two kingdoms brought together by the dual monarchy of the Catholic Kings , Ferdinand and Isabella , and beginning to benefit from the riches of the New World , was emerging out of its previous isolation and preoccupation with internal affairs to become one of the two dominant powers of Europe .
10 Two further groups of Committees bring together employers and employees .
11 It 's like twenty desk top publishing teams brought together .
12 A number of commissioned reports provided opportunities for consultants to bring together the disciplines of planning , architecture , and road engineering to suggest new forms of urban layout .
13 Consumer Studies brings together the disciplines governing the design , development and management of consumer goods and services ( with particular reference to food , textiles and the home ) and explores the interdisciplinary relationship of these to the needs and responses of consumers .
14 However , my regional director has worked closely with it in its efforts to bring together the public and private sector throughout Devon and Cornwall .
15 He was , he said , greatly encouraged that the publication , last April , of a US paperback edition of The Satanic Verses by Consortium Incorporated — a group of over 70 publishers , writers and human rights groups brought together under the auspices of the Authors Guild in New York — passed off without any significant protest .
16 The activities brought together 18 senior members of the newly restructured operations group comprising all the east coast and New Zealand sites .
17 But it appeared at precisely the right moment to catch the poststructuralist tide associated with Derrida and the later Barthes , and several of the most influential titles brought together , rather uneasily , poststructuralism and Marxism .
18 It is said that initially it consisted of a small number of ex-convicts brought together and controlled by British intelligence .
19 The opening round of fixtures brings together fierce rivals Pegasus and Portadown on Saturday , and two of Ireland 's rising young starts , Lyndsey McVicar and Claire McMahon — who will be training alongside each other for most of the season in preparation for the finals but who will face each other in the first league fixture — went along to the Ulster Garages at Belfast 's Boucher Road , to help launch details .
20 We will establish regional technology transfer centres to bring together the resources of industry , colleges , and government labs .
21 A journal called Current Contents : Social and Behavioural Sciences brings together the contents pages of the most recently published journals , but a range of indexing and abstracting journals can be used to find out about the contents of journals without having to go to the journals themselves .
22 Each had a board of civil servants to bring together local representatives of central departments related to economic development .
23 Wales Wildlife and Countryside Link enables representatives of environmental non-governmental bodies to bring together their views on issues affecting the conservation , protection and quiet enjoyment of landscape , wildlife or amenity in Wales .
24 Such juries bring together on an integrated basis a variety of relevant experience and opinion .
25 Fortunately those games brought together Europe 's Big Four who between them were to win six points out of the nine which Europe had accumulated at the end of the first two days .
26 These cause trouble because often the speller does not recognise that words can be made up of different bits brought together .
27 Then the hands brought together , face up , an offering of the simple proof .
28 23–4–1875 The attention of the Session was drawn to the desirability of having the children brought together on the Sabbath in a central place and they agreed to give the subject further consideration .
29 The research proposal involves the organisation of two seminars to bring together researchers in the two regions .
30 The talks brought together Bosnia 's Muslim president Alija Izetbegovic , Bosnian Croat leader Mate Boban , Danish foreign minister Niels Helveg Petersen , for the European Community , UN commander General Philippe Morillon and President Franjo Tudjman of Croatia .
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