Example sentences of "[noun pl] go ahead " in BNC.

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1 Erm the officers are suggesting that erm any paper comments and communications you make other than enquiry , should also emphasise that the need and desirability for these public passenger transport improvements to go ahead .
2 THOUSANDS of ratepayers across Ards could be left to foot the bill if a controversial council proposal to introduce a free waste collection for Orange halls goes ahead , the Department of the Environment has warned .
3 There is growing public support for buying and protecting wildlife areas , according to the Paris-based European Fund for the Preservation of Nature , which has amassed sufficient funds to go ahead with its first purchases of land for conservation , in Brittany and Normandy .
4 He said : ‘ We were the most exposed vessels going ahead to clear a route into fire support areas for the American ships .
5 United 's carefully laid segregation plans could be undermined if the Hungarian team Pecsimunkas go ahead with selling around two thousand tickets at random tomorrow morning .
6 She asked organic producers if they would be interested in a market and received enough positive responses to go ahead .
7 But the Bishop of Tewkesbury , the Right Reverend Jeremy Walsh , says the district is anxious for the ordinations to go ahead .
8 He claimed that the Ministers who allowed the prosecution of three innocent businessmen to go ahead were only doing their duty .
9 The official said Mr Kohl , in remarks he made in India yesterday , wanted to ‘ put pressure on the two countries to go ahead and ratify ’ the treaty on closer European Community political and economic union .
10 A question that has still not been answered at any point during the debate was asked by my hon. Friend the Member for Buckingham ( Mr. Walden ) : what happens if the other countries go ahead without us ?
11 The Gulf Cooperation Council ( GCC ) , which includes Saudi Arabia , Kuwait , the United Arab Emirates and three other major oil producers , has warned that it will cut oil exports if Western countries go ahead with the introduction of energy taxes .
12 Coun Jim Skinner ( Lab ) said if the companies went ahead with the boycott there would have to be changes made to the traffic slowing scheme .
13 The council work is one of the projects going ahead as part of Middlesbrough new title of BT Environment City .
14 And the official receiver has warned that more job losses could follow if threatened strikes at other plants go ahead .
15 IF US officials go ahead with their threat to raise tariffs , it will almost certainly increase unemployment in Britain .
16 If you 're very confident of beating his best units with your core troops go ahead and attack .
17 However , conditions improved overnight and the two finals went ahead on grass .
18 I have written about them to show that spiritual journeys and beliefs are legitimate , fruitful ways of exploring the world and to encourage writers to go ahead with this kind of exploration if they so wish .
19 If an appeal on these conditions goes ahead , it must satisfy the requirements of Article 6 , but there is no violation of Article 6 if leave is not granted .
20 Examinations went ahead as usual yesterday for pupils at two storm-hit secondary schools .
21 With an equal number of doctors and town watchmen in the city , about 50 , no gas and only a few oil lamps illuminating the winding streets and alleys , the dark work of the Resurrectionists went ahead almost unhindered .
22 People on legal aid will only be able to get the most inexperienced lawyers to work for them if a plan to set fixed hourly rates goes ahead , the Law Society warns .
23 The Financial Times of June 29 wrote : " There is still a sense of illegality , or at least doubtful legality , about Denmark 's 11 partners going ahead with ratifying the Maastricht Treaty on political and monetary union , when the Treaty of Rome [ establishing the European Economic Community in 1957 ] says that constitutional revisions must carry the unanimous assent of all EC states .
24 Is the Secretary of State aware that last week in North Tyneside , 53 operations were cancelled , whereas operations on four other patients from fund holders went ahead ?
25 Neither team were able to score again , but as soon as extra time began , Millers went ahead .
26 Les Allamby , casework manager for the Belfast Law Centre , agreed the voluntary sector would face an increased workload if the rises went ahead .
27 Rangers went ahead when a superb ball from John Brown allowed David Robertson to go down the line on the left , and McCoist was on the spot to whip home the cross .
28 Tens of thousands of coalminers went ahead with political strikes and rallies on July 11 .
29 He warned that if some EC partners went ahead prematurely it would be a big mistake and Britain would not join them .
30 Michael Fallon , who is defending Darlington for the Tories , said the town would have the same status as a parish council if the proposals went ahead .
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