Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] itself " in BNC.

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1 In addition to de Gaulle 's trips and speeches , the RPF employed a variety of unconventional methods to publicize itself and keep its momentum .
2 Dulwich inevitably suffers from its geographical situation four miles south of central London , and currently lacks any surplus funds to promote itself through increased advertising .
3 Under that Rule , the party confirming that the resources are available will not be expected to produce the cash itself provided , in giving the confirmation , it acted responsibly and took all reasonable steps to assure itself that the cash was available .
4 A typically ambiguous attitude towards foreigners manifested itself at this point .
5 Volkswagen , which is the largest European car producer , has in recent months aligned itself behind the car protectionist lobby because , heavily dependent on high cost German labour , it is aware that it will have difficulties in beating off Japanese cars when they are imported without quotas into Europe .
6 One of these unthinkable night-thoughts thinks itself now : it 's because of Summerchild that I 'm sitting here stroking Timmy 's head .
7 On the other hand , he points out that Devlin had in fact answered the question in the affirmative , and had justified this response by suggesting that , just as society can take steps to preserve itself against acts of treason , then so it may protect itself from attacks on established morality , for this too can threaten society 's existence .
8 At 0300 hours on 30 June 1989 , 1st Battalion the Royal Scots found itself deployed into hides , along with the attached tanks , artillery and engineers that make up the Royal Scots battle group .
9 A firm which is an independent adviser must take all reasonable steps to inform itself , and all others acting on its behalf fully about what packaged products are available on the market and :
10 A firm which is a tied firm must take all reasonable steps to inform itself and others acting on its behalf fully about what packaged products are available from the marketing group to which it belongs , and must not proceed with a packaged product for a private customer if it is aware of another packaged product from the marketing group 's product range which would meet the customer 's requirements better .
11 As he held her she seemed to swell , as if another skin , another body , more calm and perfect than the one she had , grew out of her as token for that love of him which could in looks and words show itself so inadequately .
12 One of the undulating shapes detached itself from the wall and advanced towards the shining executioner as though blind to its danger .
13 One of her Lock pictures assembled itself in Marie 's head : miles of crawling grey sea kicking up frills of white foam and the castle black , romantic , against it .
14 A rebel army of political dissidents calling itself the National Patriotic Forces of Liberia ( NPFL ) , believed by the United States State Department to be supported by Libya , and led by Charles Taylor , had staged a rebellion in December 1989 [ p. 37174 ] ; by April , however , the uprising appeared to be at least partly a reaction by local people to the behaviour of the armed forces , accused of brutality in their actions to suppress the rebellion earlier in the year .
15 This is bound to be seen as further evidence that Britain risks cutting itself off from the mainstream of European integration because of hostility both to economic and monetary union and to eventual political union .
16 Sending such digital signals lends itself well to using light along optical fibres rather than electrical signals along copper wires .
17 Odinga said on Dec. 18 that FORD needed at least six months to organize itself .
18 The influence of these broad parameters makes itself felt in the opening pages of the Report , to the extent that the Committee is prepared to revise its very terms of reference in the light of its wider concerns .
19 When a film has only three minutes to sell itself , at least you can be sure it 's not going to waste time trying to sell you anything else .
20 His intense irritation with his distant superiors transferred itself with an illogical rush to the silent girl , and he caught her by the arm .
21 It was decided in Att. -Gen. for Northern Ireland v. Gallagher that the House need not in all circumstances confine itself to the certified question .
22 One of the first kennels to establish itself as a consistent winner in the show ring was the Tankerville Kennel .
23 ‘ Obviously , at a club with aspirations to establish itself as one of the top names in the game , it is impossible to choose more than 11 players . ’
24 A further example is when an organisation which has been trading for many decades finds itself increasingly out of touch with the market and the organisation 's internal culture and style is no longer appropriate to the markets it is trying to address .
25 A large black cat with tattered ears appeared and strolled unconcernedly through the maze of feet to rub itself against her legs .
26 Once more among his Party faithful in Nuremberg in September 1938 , his proclamation contained the usual cliché about the infant Nazi Party beginning the fight against the greatest enemy threatening the German people , international Jewry , and a few days later , still at the Party Rally , he attempted to justify Germany 's attempts to rid itself of its Jews by the stereotype reference to an over-populated country .
27 One of these possibilities made itself known to J. some time that spring .
28 He argues that a demand which emanated from the earnings of export staples became itself the driving force behind even greater efforts to balance the increasing import of desired English manufactured goods .
29 But then Alton Towers prides itself on not being a theme park .
30 Churchs found itself unable to compete any longer with the larger mills .
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