Example sentences of "[art] need [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Hence , the traditional indifference ( now obscured by educational theorists ' cant ) to the need to give children the uniquely essential means for social liberation : an ability to speak and write their own language correctly .
2 Other countries seem to have recognised the need to give the police full investigative powers as well as treating hacking simpliciter as a relatively serious offence . ’
3 SIS will also be covering Kelso , Newbury and greyhound racing from Bristol so the need to give punters the opportunity to additionally sample delights from the orient hardly seems necessary .
4 A teenager who feels she has a share in making family policies is far more likely to accept the need to give and take , balancing her wants and needs with those of her parents .
5 At the same time , the senior nurse in the team can learn the importance of planning and organisation , and the need to give clear and accurate instructions about patient care .
6 Anderson was unique , brought in to fill two vital functions : the need for a medic , and the need to give G9 something special , some angle that would disguise its true nature , an extraordinary elite fighting group trained for any emergency .
7 The need to give attention to the social aspects of the school environment for the integrated visually handicapped pupil should not be underestimated .
8 Both point to the need to give students experiences which will give life to the theoretical elements which are also essential parts of their course .
9 The change to a real coalition in 1916 had been occasioned by the need to give Lloyd George a freer hand as much as by concern for structures .
10 In concerning ourselves with the needs of pupils , we may too long have ignored the need to give our teachers services and support and help them to feel adequate to cope with the demands that education in the modern world is making upon them .
11 That should concentrate their mind on the need to give any affected party the opportunity to make submission on any such departure and also to facilitate the communication of the nature of the departure to the affected party .
12 This is partly explained by the high level of assumed shared knowledge in science and by the need to give an impression of objectivity in both genres .
13 With standard lager prices falling and added-value extra fill promotions becoming almost a permanent feature , Tonks sees the need to give customers an incentive .
14 Nevertheless the influence of Parliament in this respect could be considerable and the need to give it at least a certain amount of information about foreign affairs could hardly be avoided .
15 Motivated by rather more than just military considerations , the EFA was an exercise in European unity , and was governed by the need to give a ‘ fair share ’ of the contracts to each of the participating countries .
16 Does not that point to the need to give serious consideration to other methods of dealing with terrorism ?
17 Has the Prime Minister had time to study the excellent article in the Glasgow Herald yesterday by the last Conservative leader of Glasgow district council , reflecting on the problems facing the Tory party in coming to terms with the need to give Scotland its own Parliament ?
18 My hon. and learned Friend the Member for Burton ( Mr. Lawrence ) referred to the need to give prisoners some work .
19 The meeting made it clear that the main reason for changes in relationships between the Council and the colleges was ‘ the need to give greater independence to colleges rather than the pressure of work at the Council ’ .
20 New accountability processes have to grapple with the problem of legitimising managerial autonomy and discretion ( to achieve results ) with the need to give real rather than fictional accounts to the various publics with which the organisation interacts .
21 responding to White Papers on the tertiary education system , the Council supported the volume and variety of courses provided on a full-time and part-time basis and drew attention to the need to give proper status to colleges ' degrees .
22 In the family proceedings court the clerk must consider the need to give directions on these matters on receipt of an application .
23 Where there is a conflict of views it is for the court to decide on the nature of the examination or assessment governed as always by the need to give paramount consideration to the child 's welfare .
24 And , now she had found him , there was born in her the need to give .
25 The first is the ethical difficulty associated with the need to give a patient the treatment that is believed to be best for him or her as an individual rather than what the statistician 's random allocation might assign .
26 That in line with the Area Staff Commission and understanding the need to give adequate administrative support on an equitable basis , Regional Coordinators be given a budget of certainly not less in real terms than at present , to allocate to administrative support for regional colleagues wef April 1st , 1993 .
27 A fully secularized society was a contradiction in terms , for there could be no society that would not feel the need to uphold the collective sentiments that gave it its unity and individuality .
28 Obviously many arts teachers are not entirely happy that the arts are examined at all , but in my interviews the majority of teachers were generally happier now that the new examination had replaced the old system — the most obvious benefit being the removal of the need to discriminate between the two former examinations .
29 it overlooks the need to assess and reassess the needs and changing demands made on department funds .
30 A social worker may need to be aware of those aspects , and of the need to assess the client before forming a social care plan .
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