Example sentences of "[art] same amount " in BNC.

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1 If you are a person who usually eats roughly the same amounts each day , with regular meal times , a typical pattern will quickly reveal itself in the diary ; keep it for only seven days .
2 With older people , problems can result from continuing to drink the same amounts they became used to consuming when they were younger , then apparently without effect .
3 Oligo I was unspecifically competed with no ( - ) , 10 , 50 and 500 molar excess of oligo III ( lanes 1 to 4 , respectively ) or specifically with the same amounts of unlabelled oligo I ( lanes 5 to 8 ) .
4 If positive and negative errors of the same amounts occur these will not , of course , be detected .
5 If positive and negative errors of the same amounts occur these will not , of course , be detected .
6 To prevent a heavy landing as the airbrakes are opened , a backward movement is needed on the stick to increase the wing 's angle of attack to maintain the same amount of lift as before .
7 This scheme means that instead of paying quarterly bills you pay the same amount into your electricity or gas account each month .
8 In most cases the ‘ rates ’ used in the calculation will be the same amount as the actual bill you received in 1989–90 .
9 Impressed by their studiousness , we carefully counted out some coins , making sure each boy got the same amount .
10 The Bank of France pushed up its intervention rate by 0.75 per cent to 9.5 per cent and its five-to 10-day repurchase rate rose by the same amount to 10.25 per cent .
11 In the first fortnight of the campaign readers of highbrow and lowbrow papers detected the same amount of bias in coverage of the Conservatives and the Alliance , though highbrow readers found less bias in coverage of Labour .
12 Due to wartime conditions the peasantry got the same amount of agricultural machinery over the years 1915–21 that they had been able to buy in a single year prior to the World War .
13 • Advance your meal times by the same amount as you change your times of getting up and going to bed .
14 The workers have been on duty for the same amount of time whenever measurements are made .
15 The only conditions the Taxman lays down is that you give the same amount regularly for at least four years and that you are a UK taxpayer .
16 ‘ The patient received the same amount of air as he was given the previous week .
17 Each club have been fined the same amount as Arsenal , who were found to be the less culpable party in the mass scuffle with Norwich City on November 4 .
18 Given the poor publicity generated by the Soviet Union 's agricultural failings , it comes as something of a surprise to look at the statistics and see that the Soviet Union is still the world 's largest wheat producer , greater than the European Community ( which also made agricultural self-sufficiency a goal in its early years ) by about 10 million tons in 1989 , outstripping the United States and Canada , the world 's ‘ breadbasket ’ , by almost the same amount .
19 However , estimates of the space needed for a battery of windmills capable of producing the same amount of electricity as a normal power station , fossil fuel or nuclear , range from 100 to 200 square miles .
20 It has always had about the same amount of appeal to me as sheep 's eyes .
21 Americans , with whom the EC is arguing over farm subsidies in a struggling GATT round , spent almost the same amount ( $47 billion ) on government subsidies for farmers ; but , as consumers , they provided much less additional help — a mere $28 billion .
22 So the 46% of houses in Barnet that the government reckons will be in the top band will all pay the same amount , irrespective of their value .
23 Mr Copeland also worked out what would have happened if a competing firm in the same industry had merely taken on the same amount of debt as the LBO did , without being bought out .
24 This month Janet Jackson signed a deal with Virgin Records to make the same amount of music for more than $30m .
25 Santander paid $220m for its 13% stake in First Fidelity ( and for an option to raise the stake to 23% ) , roughly the same amount as the stake 's book value .
26 There are still roughly the same amount of people who do get drunk and create a problem , but we are now dealing with the street offences they cause at two or three o'clock rather than ten till midnight . ’
27 ( The Countess of Clancarty , rumoured to have been the Earl 's cook once upon a time , charged £2,000 for the service , and Lady St John of Bletso , whose provincial protégées were known as ‘ the Blets ’ , the same amount . )
28 Among the peers identified by the parliamentary writer Andrew Roth as voting in favour of a measure which would oblige a labourer to pay the same amount of tax as a millionaire were the Duke of Buccleuch , the biggest landowner in Europe , the beef magnate Lord Vestey , another of the richest men in Britain , and the eighty-three-year-old Marquis of Bath , of the Longleat Estate .
29 If horses are to be housed indoors , faint illumination at night is preferable , and a shielded twenty-five watt electric light can be arranged to give about the same amount of illumination as a nearly full moon .
30 Moving seemed to require the same amount of breath as before , which was to say more than could be easily provided .
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