Example sentences of "[art] first public " in BNC.

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1 Intensive road testing of the first ten Class 91s started in the spring of 1988 and the first public services with the new Mk 4 stock started between King 's Cross and Leeds in October 1989 .
2 On this day : Peterborough Cathedral was consecrated , 1238 ; Miles Coverdale 's translation of the Bible was published , 1535 ; William Smith founded the Boys Brigade , Glasgow 1883 ; the first public escalator was opened , Earl 's Court underground station 1911 ; Hitler and Mussolini met at the Brenner Pass , 1940 ; the USSR launched Sputnik 1 , the world 's first artificial satellite , 1957 ; the first transatlantic passenger jet service started operating , 1958 ; USSR 's Lunik III , took the first close-up pictures of the moon , 1959 ; Pope Paul VI visited New York , the first pope to visit America , 1965 .
3 The first public showing of what many Catholics view as Martin Scorsese 's outrageous interpretation of the biblical epic drew both predictable and highly unpredictable howls .
4 The first public meeting in Cambridge was warned by the Dean-designate of St Paul 's , the Reverend Professor Inge , that unless controls limited the reproduction of the ‘ urban proletariat ’ , it ‘ may cripple our civilisation as it destroyed that of ancient Rome ’ .
5 In the first public comment by a Cabinet minister on Tory tactics in a hung Parliament , he said it ‘ depends what they put in the Queen 's Speech ’ .
6 This would be the first public acknowledgment of the role of union leaders in a Labour victory .
7 Only the historic fact that he gave the Irish capital the first public performance of what would become the most popular of all oratorios .
8 On 5 September 1818 , James Hamilton , grocer extraordinaire and showman by nature gave the first public commercial showing of the new ‘ light-brackets ’ by installing ‘ sex jetties ’ , or six of the ‘ wee lights ‘ , as we might say today .
9 Also in 1920 , the first public broadcasting station in Britain was opened by Marconi .
10 It saw the first public flotation of a building society , the first moves towards acquisition of a major bank , Girobank , by another society , some further widening of building society powers , a tendency for more societies to become ‘ tied agents ’ of insurance companies and further excursions by societies into the wider field of financial services .
11 Ever since the first public park was opened at Ormeau on Easter Saturday 1871 , the commitment to providing public open space has been on the increase .
12 What was needed was a simpler more speedy procedure and so Parliament intervened with the first Public Health Act in 1848 , the forerunner of modern public health legislation .
13 The first public report of the idea came from Andrew H. Kung , managing scientist of the San Francisco Laser Center at the University of California at Berkeley .
14 If you think someone is following you , turn into the first public place or lighted house you come to .
15 Dr Broadhurst organised the first public meeting in St Margaret 's Hope .
16 At the first public meeting in St Margaret 's Hope , called only two days after the children were taken from their homes , a conscious decision was taken by the parents and the rest of the local community that supported them , to actively' court publicity .
17 Where was the first public aquarium ?
18 US Air and Trade Show at Dayton , Ohio in 1990 was one of the first public appearances of the F-117A stealth fighter , it also saw performances by the MiG-29 , YF-22 and XV-15 .
19 FLANKED by guards , model Lindsay yesterday gave the first public display of the world 's most expensive jeans , £100,000 diamond-studded denims .
20 Hancock gave the first public clues as to his deep insecurity , the aforementioned Mr Rude , Gilbert Harding , wept about his mother 's bereavement and Carl Gustav Jung agreed to go on it !
21 The BBC was not the first public corporation and by no means the last .
22 At a recent PBAA conference , the policy was laid down that the first Public Television Licence in any given area should be community-controlled and that access be provided for educational and special interest groups .
23 Taubman took out $47 million in the first public share offering when Sotheby 's shares were successfully floated in 1988 .
24 But whoever he was , he provided the first public anti-German joke since the war began .
25 Before 1800 he had installed gas apparatus to light the factory and the first public appearance of gas lighting was in 1802. this was when the outside of the Soho Manufactory was illuminated for the Peace of Amiens .
26 The debate , pursued in periodicals and pamphlets , was the first public debate on the fundamental conditions of political life that Spain had known .
27 The first public taxonomic databases have experimented with the handling of alternative taxonomies ( as in the US Nature Conservancy 's taxonomic inventory with local variants ) , with attaching biological data in such a way that it can be refreshed for subsequent taxonomic changes ( for example , ILDIS/Chapman and Hall Leguminosae phytochemical database ) , and with the use of images ( such as The Plant Fossil Record ) .
28 The police force was the first public sector occupation to achieve widows ' pensions as such .
29 For more than thirty-seven years held the important situation of teacher to the first public institution in this country for the education of the deaf and dumb ; which was established in this parish , A.D. 1792 …
30 For example , the Abbe de l'Epee , founder of the first public school for the deaf in Paris in 1755 , was a manualist , while Samuel Heinicke , founder in 1778 of the first school in Germany of a similar type , was an oralist .
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